8 4 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 8 soon so as to be able to find a better apartment. Plans a trip to the Harz in the summer, and a visit with AE in Berlin, too. On his way home, AE should visit them in Zurich and spend a Sunday there. Offers to arrange for a visit at a dockyard. Frieda Knecht sends regards. ALS. [144 059]. 461. Elsa Einstein to Heinrich Zangger Davos, 22 March 1928 AE, “a gigantic, robust man,” had a light heart problem in Davos. He will give Zangger details when they arrive in Zurich on Saturday. AKS. [72 157]. 462. From Reclams Universum Leipzig, 24 March 1928 Reminds that AE has not sent the promised article. TLSX. [48 067]. 463. From Owen W. Richardson London, 24 March 1928 The Physical Society of London has elected AE honorary fellow, its highest honor for non-British personalities, whose number is limited to twelve. ALS. [30 238]. 464. From Bernard Lecache Paris, 26 March 1928 The meeting of the International League against Pogroms (see Abs. 438) was attended by 10,000 people. He is now planning a biweekly journal for the worldwide study of na- tional, religious, and philosophical minorities. Hopes AE would be among collaborators, such as H. G. Wells, U. Sinclair, and M. Gorky. ALS. [47 380]. 465. From Fernand Maurette (ILO) [Geneva,] 26 March 1928 End of April, the committee of representatives of international student associations will meet in Paris to discuss the unemployment of intellectuals. They ask the International Labour Office to issue a communique on this subject. A draft statement ([34 981]) is at- tached. TLS. [34 980]. 466. From Oscar Weigert (Reichsarbeitsministerium) Berlin, 26 March 1928 Requests AE to negotiate with the organizations of German intellectual workers on a common candidate for membership in the planned committee of International Labour Office on intellectual workers. They propose T. Brauer. TLSf. [46 388]. 467. From Solomon Ginzberg Jerusalem, 27 March 1928 Requests a copy of Professor Lehmann’s memorandum on a chair for geography at the Hebrew University. TLS. [36 1013]. 468. From Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet LeIsrael) Berlin, 28 March 1928 Intends to collect funds in Czechoslovakia for the planting of trees in Palestine in honor of Jewish soldiers who fell during World War I. Requests AE’s signature on Max Brod’s appeal ([47 217]). TLS. [47 216]. 469. From Kurt von Mayrhauser Kiel-Neumühlen, 30 March 1928 In 1927, the Giro company income from the sale of the refrigerator DE394677 amounted to $27,600, and thus $276 was remitted to AE’s account in accord with their agreement. TLS. [35 405]. 470. Elsa Einstein to Hedwig Fischer-Landshoff [Berlin, between early April and early June/July 1928] AE wrote Doc. 166 in bed. He had damaged his strong and healthy heart through over- exertion. He read the Eulenspiegel with rapt attention. Hopes Fischer can decipher AE’s handwriting. ALS. [71 554]. 471. From Abram Feodorovich Ioffe Moscow, [April 1928] Invites to the meeting of the Association of Russian Physicists and solicits a lecture. The sessions start in Moscow, with possibility of visiting research institutes and museums. They then continue on a steamer that will sail on the Volga and visit Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, and Saratov. A session in Tbilisi is also planned. PLS. [48 213].