C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 8 8 4 5 S. Brodetsky as candidate would help. Landau could be invited for professor of mathe- matics. ALS. [36 1006]. 449. To Hugo A. Krüss Zuoz, 3 March 1928 Authorizes Krüss to represent him (at the steering committee of IIIC). Tgm. [97 046]. 450. To Giuseppe Prezzolini (IIIC) Zuoz, 3 March 1928 Delivered extemporaneously his lecture on the significance of H. A. Lorentz’s scientific work at Leyden University and possesses no manuscript. P. Ehrenfest has reconstructed this lecture from his own notes. Recommends the committee contact him. ALSX. [16 627]. 451. From Giuseppe Prezzolini (IIIC) [Paris,] 8 March [1928] In reply to Abs. 450, the committee has found the lecture in the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant and has prepared a translation. TTrLX. [16 629]. 452. From Albert Thomas Geneva, 8 March 1928 The International Labour Office has postponed the question regarding the Committee for Intellectual Workers until its April meeting. Requests that AE nominate a represen- tative for Germany in accord with O. Weigert of the Reichsarbeitsministerium. TLS. [34 977]. 453. Elsa Einstein to Felix Strecker Berlin, 12 March 1928. Apologizes for the inconvenience caused by AE’s forgetting belongings (presumably documents) in Leipzig, including toothbrush and toothpaste. Relieved that AE’s head is “screwed on tight,” as otherwise he might have forgotten that behind too. Expresses dis- may that AE traveled back by train “in his own style,” i.e., sans sleeping car. ALS. [48 531]. 454. From Sergei F. von Oldenburg Leningrad, 14 March 1928 Sends the diploma of AE’s election as honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR to which AE had been elected on 2 February 1927 (see Vol. 15, Abs. 739). TLS. [120 599]. German translation is TLS. [120 600]. 455. From Georges Oprescu [Geneva,] 15 March 1928. On behalf of the president of ICIC, Gilbert Murray, gives the dates of sessions of the ICIC and subcommittees AE is to participate in. The meetings will begin 9 July and end 30 July 1928. Will send agendas as soon as the president approves them. TLS. [34 978]. 456. From John Nolan [Dublin,] 16 March 1928. Informs that the Royal Irish Academy has elected AE an honorary member, and sends certificate of membership. TLS. [30 230]. 457. From the Royal Irish Academy Dublin, 16 March 1928. Certificate of membership in the Department of Science. DIPL. [65 045]. 458. From Reichsministerium des Innern Berlin, 21 March 1928 In agreement with the Auswärtiges Amt, invites AE into the newly founded German Committee for Intellectual Cooperation for three years, and to its first session on 26 March 1928. TLS. [34 844]. 459. Elsa Einstein to Heinrich Zangger Zurich, 21 March–1 April 1928 Asks Zangger to postpone cardiac examinations until AE feels better. Is anxious also about AE’s plan to visit Mileva for a few days, not because of jealousy but because of anxiety for AE’s health. Eduard visits them without reservation. Asked Mileva to visit as often as she wants. ALS. [92 506]. 460. From Hans Albert Einstein Dortmund, 22 March 1928 Requested AE’s help to find another job not because he is not satisfied with his present work, but because he would like to be in Berlin, closer to AE. Hopes his salary will rise