D O C U M E N T S 9 8 , 9 9 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 1 1 5 98. On Fritz Kortner[1] [Einstein 1928c] Dated 3 December 1927[2] Published 1928 In: Heinz Ludwigg, ed. Die Kunst der Bühne. Vol. 3: Fritz Kortner. Berlin: Eigenbrödler, 1928, p. 74. I thank Fritz Kortner for the credible, clear, reasoned representation of men with complicated mental structures who act out of inner necessity. 99. To Kurt Singer[1] [Berlin,] 7 December 1927 Dear Doctor, I am very willing to sign the appeal and to encourage Mr. Hauptmann and Mr. Liebermann[2] to do the same if the purpose is simply to ensure that Prof. Ochs en- joys a well-deserved, carefree old age.[3] On the other hand, with the means envis- aged, it seems to me not feasible to continue the choir. 1/. I believe that it will be impossible to raise such large sums, 2/. I consider it absolutely wrong to require people whose life-forces are declining to do this kind of work, and on the other hand, Ochs’s choir without Ochs would prove just how indispensable he is! Should you insist on the broader undertaking, I regret to say that I cannot join the committee.[4] Requesting, in the interest of the cause, that you reply as soon as possible, I re- main yours sincerely
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