D O C U M E N T 2 0 7 J U N E 1 9 2 8 2 0 3 715–25 should be studied in depth by the committee but desirable if adequate[18] 726–811 I think we will find no objections there[19] 818–25— Surely right in principle, but only after a trial and, as they say in America, during good behavior from year to year reappointed.[20] I come now to your valued letter regarding the academic head and regret that perhaps as a result of faulty procedure Prof. Landau’s status was damaged.— After the members of the committee’s study of the experts’ reports[21] on the fu- ture of the country of Palestine, I think it is clear to everyone that Palestine’s future depends on England’s interest in this country if the country’s health and the educa- tion of the people are economically promoted by England. But no matter how de- sirable England is as the administrator of this country, in the university the international associations must be retained, even if our famous Weizmann is pres- ident of the university[22] so that the English policy will surely be preserved.— If then Magnes remains as chancellor, and only then, will the trust in American administrat[ion] on a sound business basis continue.— Then, whenever possible, the head of the academic council should typify Continental thoroughness and science.— I know neither Landau nor Brodetsky, so the question of personality does not enter into it, but I would like to have the Ein- stein Ehrlich[23] Landau stamp as the sign of the university’s standing. I will meet with both gentlemen during my days here and try to form my own idea of who would best fit the bill and not only academically because then your view would be authoritative, but then who better to create something from these colleagues and potential finances that will be first-class, and not stand there eter- nally complaining and squabbling.— I would prefer to say nothing regarding the pessimistic letter to Weizmann and me.[24]— Your judgment of Magnes as a person is wrong.— He spoke to Landau making no commitment, just as Brodetsky was spoken to here only tentatively.[25]— I would be very happy if on Monday I could receive here c/o Weizmann a tele- gram that would say that now that you are feeling better you have changed your opinion about Magnes & if steps are taken for an academic head the choice made by the governors would be entirely satisfactory even if that choice were to be made not for a long time and with more limited powers than you recommended.— Good recovery & see you soon Respectfully yours, Felix Warburg
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