2 1 8 D O C . 2 1 9 A N E W U N I F I E D F I E L D T H E O R Y § 1. The Underlying Field Law. For variations of the field potentials h μa (and h α respectively), which vanish at the boundaries of a region, let the variation of a Hamilton integral vanish: (1) , (1a) [5] where the quantities h ( = |h | ), gμν, and Λα μν are defined in Eqs. (9) and (10), loc cit. Let the h field describe both the electromagnetic and the gravitational fields. A “pure gravitational field” would then be present when in addition to the validity of eq. (1), also the quantities (2) vanish. This implies a covariant and rotationally invariant condition.1 § 2. The Field Law to First Approximation. If the manifold is the Minkowski world of special theory of relativity, then we can choose the coordinate system in such a way that h 11 = h 22 = h 33 = 1, and (= ), and all the other vanish. This value system for the is somewhat inconvenient for calculations. Therefore, for the calculations in this sec- tion, we prefer to choose the x 4 coordinate to be purely imaginary then, in fact, the Minkowski world (the lack of any field at all for a suitable choice of coordinates) can be described by (3) The case of infinitesimally weak fields can be conveniently represented by …, (4) where the are small quantities of first order. By neglecting the quantities of se- cond and third order, one can then replace (1a), taking account of (10) and (7a), loc. cit. by ___________________________ 1. Here, there is still a certain indeterminacy in the interpretation, since one could also characterize the pure gravitational field by the vanishing of the .[6] [p. 225]  d H 0 = H hg    = a  = h 44 i = –1 h a h a h a a = h a a k  + = k  x  x 
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