D O C U M E N T 2 4 7 A U G U S T 1 9 2 8 2 4 1 (without summ.) (summ.), which w.[ithout] l.[oss] o.[f] g.[enerality][5] can be integrated to give However, from for , one has:[6] without summation over " " " " " " " " but for : . [7] thus from , since the H are also harmonic, and owing to therefore also the , only for : this is thus fulfilled. can now be simply solved by a, c = 1, 2, 3 for the left-hand side, we must here also have , which, however, owing to and , is in fact the case. The solution for a given is thus: 1) determine the , choose harmonics arbitrarily with without summation over is fufilled. 2) For arbitrarily chosen har- monics , determine harmonically from which is pos- sible without restrictions.[8] 3) Then choose the according to the general integration method and find the at the end from , whereby the integration with respect to x 4 is carried out only with reference to the first part of , which is readily possible. B 1 x --------  0 =   0 = B'  0 =   0 = B h 4 B 2 H    H    = H   H    = H  H     + 0 = = 4 = BI 2 H  4 4 4 4 + 0 = = BII H c c 4 + c 4 c + + 1 2 3 = = B II B 2 c 4 + c = BIII summed c cc 0 = BII BIV summed c 4 –H4 Ha c a c c 4 + + + = BV H4 c cc 0 sum . · H4 c 4 0 = = BIII Ha c cc 0 sum =    x ------------- 0 = BIII H1 1 H2 2 H4 4 0 = H3 3 B 2 ', Ha c H4 c BIV BV
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