Volume 2: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900-1909

Volume 2: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900-1909
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Table of Contents
Volume 2: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900-1909
- List of Texts ix9
- Introduction to Volume 2 xvi16
- Supplement to the Editorial Method in Volume One xxxi31
- A Note on Secondary Literature xxxiii33
- Acknowledgments xxxiv34
- Translation xxxv35
- List of Location Symbols xxxvi36
- TEXTS 137
- 1. "Conclusions Drawn from the Phenomena of Capillarity" 945
- 2. "On the Thermodynamic Theory of the Difference in Potentials between Metals and Fully Dissociated Solutions of Their Salts and on an Electrical Method for Investigating Molecular Forces" 2258
- 3. "Kinetic Theory of Thermal Equilibrium and of the Second Law of Thermodynamics" 5692
- 4. "A Theory of the Foundations of Thermodynamics" 76112
- 5. "On the General Molecular Theory of Heat" 98134
- 6. Review of Giuseppe Belluzzo, "Principles of Graphic Thermodynamics" 112148
- 7. Review of Albert Fliegner, "On Clausius's Law of Entropy" 115151
- 8. Review of William McFadden Orr, "On Clausius' Theorem for Irreversible Cycles, and on the Increase of Entropy" 118154
- 9. Review of George Hartley Bryan, "The Law of Degradation of Energy as the Fundamental Principle of Thermodynamics" 120156
- 10. Review of Nikolay Nikolayevich Schiller, "Some Concerns Regarding the Theory of Entropy Increase Due to the Diffusion of Gases Where the Initial Pressures of the Latter Are Equal" 122158
- 11. Review of Jakob Johann Weyrauch, "On the Specific Heats of Superheated Water Vapor" 125161
- 12. Review of Jacobus Henricus Van 't Hoff, "The Influence of the Change in Specific Heat on the Work of Conversion" 127163
- 13. Review of Arturo Giammarco, "A Case of Corresponding States in Thermodynamics" 131167
- 14. "On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light" 149185
- 15. A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions 183219
- 16. "On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary Liquids Required by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat" 223259
- 17. Review of Karl Fredrik Slotte, "On the Heat of Fusion" 237273
- 18. Review of Karl Fredrik Slotte, "Conclusions Drawn from a Thermodynamic Equation" 240276
- 19. Review of Emile Mathias, "The Constant a of Rectilinear Diameters and the Laws of Corresponding States" 242278
- 20. Review of Max Planck, "On Clausius' Theorem for Irreversible Cycles, and on the Increase of Entropy" 245281
- 21. Review of Edgar Buckingham, "On Certain Difficulties Which Are Encountered in the Study of Thermodynamics" 247283
- 22. Review of Paul Langevin, "On a Fundamental Formula of the Kinetic Theory" 250286
- 23. "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" 275311
- 24. "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy Content?" 311347
- 25. Review of Heinrich Birven, Fundamentals of the Mechanical Theory of Heat 316352
- 26. Review of Auguste Ponsot, "Heat in the Displacement of the Equilibrium of a Capillary System" 318354
- 27. Review of Karl Bohlin, "On Impact Considered as the Basis of Kinetic Theories of Gas Pressure and of Universal Gravitation" 320356
- 28. Review of Georges Meslin, "On the Constant in Mariotte and Gay-Lussac's Law" 323359
- 29. Review of Albert Fliegner, "The Efflux of Hot Water from Container Orifices" 325361
- 30. Review of Jakob Johann Weyrauch, An Outline of the Theory of Heat. With Numerous Examples and Applications. 327363
- 31. Review of Albert Fliegner, "On the Thermal Value of Chemical Processes" 331367
- 32. "On the Theory of Brownian Motion" 333369
- 33. "Supplement" to "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions" 346382
- 34. "On the Theory of Light Production and Light Absorption" 349385
- 35. "The Principle of Conservation of Motion of the Center of Gravity and the Inertia of Energy" 359395
- 36. "On a Method for the Determination of the Ratio of the Transverse and the Longitudinal Mass of the Electron" 367403
- 37. Review of Max Planck, Lectures on the Theory of Thermal Radiation 373409
- 38. "Planck's Theory of Radiation and the Theory of Specific Heat" 378414
- 39. "On the Limit of Validity of the Law of Thermodynamic Equilibrium and on the Possibility of a New Determination of the Elementary Quanta" 392428
- 40. "Theoretical Remarks on Brownian Motion" 398434
- 41. "On the Possibility of a New Test of the Relativity Principle" 401437
- 42. "Correction to My Paper: 'Planck's Theory of Radiation, etc.' " 404440
- 43. Author's abstract of lecture: "On the Nature of the Movements of Microscopically Small Particles Suspended in Liquids" 407443
- 44. "Comments on the Note of Mr. Paul Ehrenfest: 'The Translatory Motion of Deformable Electrons and the Area Law' " 409445
- 45. "On the Inertia of Energy Required by the Relativity Principle" 413449
- 46. Review of Jakob Johann Weyrauch, An Outline of the Theory of Heat. With Numerous Examples and Applications. 429465
- 47. "On the Relativity Principle and the Conclusions Drawn from It" 432468
- 48. "A New Electrostatic Method for the Measurement of Small Quantities of Electricity" 489525
- 49. "Corrections to the Paper: 'On the Relativity Principle and the Conclusions Drawn from It' " 493529
- 50. "Elementary Theory of Brownian Motion" 496532
- 51. "On the Fundamental Electromagnetic Equations for Moving Bodies" 508544
- 52. "On the Ponderomotive Forces Exerted on Bodies at Rest in the Electromagnetic Field" 518554
- 53. "Correction to the Paper: 'On the Fundamental Electromagnetic Equations for Moving Bodies' " 529565
- 54. "Remarks on Our Paper: 'On the Fundamental Electromagnetic Equations for Moving Bodies' " and "Supplement" 531567
- 55. "Comment on the Paper of D. Mirimanoff: 'On the Fundamental Equations ...' " 536572
- 56. "On the Present Status of the Radiation Problem" 541577
- 57. "On the Present Status of the Radiation Problem" 554590
- 58. "Discussion" following lecture version of Henry Siedentopf, "On Ultramicroscopic Images" 556592
- 59. "Discussion" following lecture version of Arthur Szarvassi, "The Theory of Electromagnetic Phenomena in Moving Bodies and the Energy Principle" 560596
- 60. "On the Development of Our Views Concerning the Nature and Constitution of Radiation" 563599
- 61. "Discussion" following lecture version of "On the Development of Our Views Concerning the Nature and Constitution of Radiation" 584620
- 62. "Discussion" following lecture version of Fritz Hasenöhrl, "On the Transformation of Kinetic Energy into Radiation" 588624
- Literature Cited 591627
- Indexes 625661