xl EDITORIAL METHOD note markers at the text fragments which appear with the drawing and have transcribed the relevant words or phrases in the annotation. Where the original or a copy of the original is not available, transcriptions of text fragments from dealer or auction catalogues are presented, if avail- able, together with interspersed editorial comments, in the same font size as endnotes. Where coherent, unfragmented excerpts, such as partial facsimiles or extensive transcribed material serve as the source of a text, they are pre- sented in the same font size as the texts of Einstein's correspondence. If a text can only partially be reconstructed by presenting the transcription of a sub- stantial text fragment or a substantial quotation together with editorial com- mentary or fragmented excerpts (mixed presentation), this is done, preserving the visual distinctiveness between the font sizes pointed out above. Where an author's emendation to a text made at about the time the docu- ment was written can be inserted into the flow of the text without awkward- ness, it is done without comment if it can be inserted while it is also deemed helpful to call the reader's attention to its original placement, it is noted in a footnote if it serves as a comment on the text but does not fit seamlessly into it, it is presented and characterized in a footnote. Where repetitious text fragments or unrelated text or equations occur in the original of a draft, they are omitted in the presentation of the transcribed text. Where a document is enclosed with a letter, and the letter only serves as a cover letter with no independent character of its own, the two items are pre- sented together with a common number. Doubly or triply underscored words are presented in the same way as sin- gly underscored words, i.e., they are italicized. They are annotated only if the multiple underscoring is particularly significant. Where place names or official phrases appear in italics or all capital letters in the salutation, dateline, or closure of an original, they are rendered in ro- man font and first-letter capitalization only. The following information is given in the descriptive notes following each document: (a) the descriptive symbol (b) the location symbol indicating where the original can be found if it is not located in the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (c) the control number that is assigned to each original in the Albert Einstein Archives within square brackets (d) if a text has already appeared in published form this is pointed out (e) if available, docketed postmarks are described when two documents of the same date are presented (f) where a postmark or parts of a postmark are obscured or incomplete, this is pointed out and the contents of a docketed postmark, if available, are presented if the date cannot be established other- wise.