3 6 4 D O C . 4 7 I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E C O N C I L I AT I O N
was published under the same title in Internationale Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Tech-
nik 15 [October 1920], no. 1, pp. 1–36).
[4]Allowing young people to study abroad might also lessen a danger to which Friedrich Schmidt-
Ott had already drawn attention: an economically weakened Germany ran the risk of failing to
produce a new generation of scholars. The difficulties of making a living during inflation combined
with a lack of funds for travel and equipment would discourage budding talents from embarking on
intellectual careers and leave many with no option but to emigrate (see Friedrich Schmidt-Ott/Eduard
Wildhagen’s memorandum, cited in Zierold 1968, p. 570). Einstein refers to this danger explicitly a
year later (see Einstein 1921k [Doc. 70], last sentence).