5 7 2 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
in present form but the author should not be discouraged.
Provenance: GyB, Darmstädter Collection. [21 471].
The Department of Education, Canton of Zurich, does not
accept the proposal of the Philosophical Faculty II of the
University of Zurich to invite Einstein regularly, because the
audience in the current course came mostly from the ranks
of ETH students. At the same time, the department grants
Einstein a 24-hour course on special topics in theoretical
physics to be delivered over 4–5 weeks in the winter seme-
ster 1919–20. Provenance: Protokoll des Erziehungsrates
des Kantons Zürich vom 8. Juli 1919. SzZU, ABF, Einstein,
Lehraufträge 1919–20. [70 476], [70 480].
around July 9 Visits his ill mother Pauline at Maja’s home in Lucerne and
proposes she take a cure before moving to Berlin.
between July 9 and 1-page ALS on lower half of a cover letter from Hermann
August 15 Struck of 9 July regarding an article the latter sent him on
the Swedish painter Ernst Josephson: “Es is interessant, von
einem Künstler auf das Wesentliche, Treibende des Autors
hingewiesen zu werden. Es sollten nur schaffende Künstler
über Kunst schreiben!” Provenance: [76 955], [76 955].
J. H. Stargardt auction catalog 599, 20–21 June 1972,
lot 404, p. 110. [76 955.1].
July 10 The Medical Faculty of the University of Rostock passes the
resolution to confer an honorary doctorate in medicine on
Einstein. Provenance: Sitzungsprotokoll der medizinischen
Fakultät, in Könies and Albrecht 1991, p. 52.
before July 18 1-page ALSX, written on a notebook page, to Ida Hurwitz.
Because Pauline Einstein does not remember exactly what
was agreed upon, invites Ida Hurwitz to dinner. Provenance:
ETH HS 504:1179 and IsJHU. [71 569].
July 18 2-page AKS from Pauline Einstein to Elsa Einstein. Pauline
Einstein’s first extant letter from Clinic Rosenau, Lucerne.
Provenance: IsJHU. [29 358].
1-page TLS from Batavian Society for Experimental Philos-
ophy. Is invited to become corresponding member of the
society. Provenance: IsJHU. [43 196].
after July 20 Promises Max Planck to stay in Berlin.
July 24 “Comment on the Preceding Note” (of Albert von Brunn,
“On Mr. Einstein’s Remark about the Irregular Fluctuation
of Lunar Longitude with an Approximate Period of the
Rotation of the Lunar Nodes”)” (Vol. 7, Doc. 22) is pre-