C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9 5 8 1
October 28 Visits at Willem Julius’s home in Utrecht.
October 31 Inquiry by the PAW to the university bursar (Univer-
sitätskasse) as to how much lecture fees Einstein and other
Academy members received for summer and Zwischense-
mester 1919. Response by the bursar on 4 November: Ein-
stein received 137 marks and 20 pfennig lecture fees for
summer and Zwischensemester 1919 at University of Ber-
lin. Provenance: GyBAW, II–III, Bd. 37, Bl. 203. [79 275],
[79 275.1]. Kirsten and Treder 1979b, p. 23, Nr. 26.
November 2 Planned return from Leyden to Berlin.
November “… dies Blatt, von Struck und Einstein signiert.” Prove-
nance: Arnold and Beatrice Zweig to Helene Weyl, Zweig et
al. 1996, p. 192.
November 3 1-page ALS to Carl Stumpf. Back in Berlin, thanks for
Stumpf’s congratulations. Confesses that he has not exerted
much effort in the last few years. Provenance: J. H. Star-
gardt Auction Catalog, 1980, item 422. [70 421].
4-page ALS and 1-page TL from Gabriele Rabel. Applies
for 200–300 M for a Volmer diffusion pump for her attempt
at exciting positive hydrogen ions by cathode rays to emit
light. In addition to financial help, the support would prove
to be a moral one as well, given the often difficult relation-
ship with her “dictatorial” dissertation adviser, Johannes
Stark. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 9, Mappe
Rabel. [77 575].
1-page TLS from Vieweg publishing house. The print of the
3d edition of Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42) has been
completed. A check for 1,500 M royalty and free copies
have been sent. Provenance: IsJHU. [42 009].
November 6 Recommendation for Einstein’s salary increase approved by
the GVA (financial committee) of the physical-
mathematical class of the PAW. Provenance: IsJHU.
[79 279], [82 066.2].
Joint meeting of the Royal Society and Royal Astronomical
Society to hear the report on the verification of the theory of
general relativity by the expeditions sent to observe the
eclipse of 29 May.
1-page TLC to Friedrich Schuh in Rostock. Rejects Schuh’s
application for a grant because it is difficult for KWIP to