5 8 0 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
Vorurteil befangen, es könnten Gravitationskräfte nur zwi-
schen solchen Körpern wirken, welche um einander rotie-
ren. Der Aufsatz ist ohne jeden wissenschaftlichen Wert. Ich
beantrage die Rücksendung desselben mit der Bemerkung,
dass die Akademie von dem Inhalte Kenntnis genommen
habe.” Provenance: GyBAW, II-VI, Bd. 1. [83 997],
[83 999].
2-page ALS from Carl E. Büsching in Stuttgart. Repeats his
(apparently unanswered) request for help in finding a pub-
lisher for his work “Karl Eddi, Es gibt keinen Gott.” He had
also sent a copy to Adolf von Harnack, who appreciated its
honesty. Provenance: IsJHU. [45 697].
Max Planck, Walther Nernst, Heinrich Rubens, and Emil
Warburg propose to the PAW class that Einstein’s annual
salary be raised from 12,000 M to 18,000 M. “Nach erläu-
ternden Bemerkungen von Herrn Planck,” the class agrees,
and the proposal is sent to the financial allocations commit-
tee of the class. Provenance: GyBAW, II-III, Bd. 38, Bl. 31;
II-V, Bd. 134, Bl. 111–113. [79 278], [83 770]. Kirsten and
Treder 1979b, p. 23, Nr. 25; p. 235, Nr. 174.
1-page TDft, a response to Friedrich Schuh [incorrectly
addressed to Schulz] by Ilse Einstein on behalf of Einstein,
who is in Holland. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34,
Nr. 10, Mappe Schuh. [77 605].
Emil Warburg, Max Planck, Einstein, Walther Nernst, and
Heinrich Rubens propose to the class that the DPG receive
10,000 M for the publication costs of Physikalische
Berichte. Provenance: GyBAW, II-VI, Bd. 121, Bl. 206.
[83 770]. Kirsten and Treder 1979b, p. 235, Nr. 174.
October 24 1-page TLS to Theodor von Wasielewski by Ilse Einstein on
behalf of Einstein, who is in Holland. In reply to
Wasielewski’s invitation of 14 October 1919 to the jubilee
of the University of Rostock, she informs him that Einstein
had already received Moritz Schlick’s unofficial invitation
and had accepted. Provenance: GyRoU. [30 116].
October 25 Attends meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences in
Amsterdam, at which Lorentz informally announces results
of British eclipse expeditions confirming Einstein’s predic-
tion of light deflection by gravitation.