4 6 D O C . 5 6 J U N E 1 9 1 9 Son of the deceased tradesman Hermann Einstein, last domiciled in Milan, and his wife Pauline, née Koch, domiciled in Lucerne. 2. Elsa Löwenthal, née Einstein, no occupation, the personal identity of whom was established by birth certificate. Dissenter 〈Religion〉, born on the eighteen th of January of the year one thou- sand eight hundred seventy-six in Hechingen, domiciled in Schöneberg, Ber- lin, 5 Haberland Street, daughter of the rentier Rudolf Einstein[3] and his wife Fanny, née Koch,[4] domiciled in Schöneberg, Berlin. As witnesses were called and duly appeared: 3. The tradesman Ludwig Gumpertz,[5] the personal identity of whom was estab- lished by identification papers, 63 years of age, domiciled in Berlin, 28 Köni- gin Augusta Street 4. Fanny Einstein, no occupation, the personal identity of whom was established by the certification per 3, 67 years of age, domiciled in Schöneberg, Berlin, 5 Haberland Street. The civil registrar asked the engaged couple individually and one after the other the question: whether they wanted to enter into marriage with each other. The engaged couple answered the question in the affirmative and the civil reg- istrar thereupon declared: that by force of law of the Civil Code they were there- by duly joined in marriage. (Two printed words deleted in foregoing.) Read, approved and undersigned Albert Einstein. Elsa Einstein née Einstein, Ludwig Gumpertz, Fanny Einstein. Civil Registrar. Ebner. Conformity with the Main Registry certified Wilmersdorf, Berlin, the 2nd of June, 19 19. Civil Registrar Ebner 56. To Max Born Berlin, 4 June 1919 Dear Born, I already have a bad conscience because I still haven’t answered your wife’s ex- tremely nice letter, and now, instead of a scolding by you, a nice letter arrives as well. I’m happy that you have such a fancy nest over there, that little house and