D O C S . 5 4 , 5 5 J U N E 1 9 1 9 4 5 54. Marriage Certificate [Berlin, 2 June 1919] Registry Number 623 D. Valid only for the purpose of marriage (§82 of the law of 6 February 1875). Certificate of Marriage.[1] Today University Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Albert Einstein, domiciled in Wilmersdorf, Berlin, and Elsa Löwenthal, née Einstein, domiciled in Schöneberg, Berlin, were joined in marriage before the undersigned civil registrar. Wilmersdorf, Berlin,[2] on 2 June 19 19. Civil Registrar: Ebner (Signature) Note: Statute Law of the Reich about the certification of family status and contrac- tion of marriage of 6 February 1875 specifies in §82: “Religious obligations relat- ing to baptism and wedlock are not affected by this law.” 55. Civil Registry Record [Berlin, 2 June 1919] B. No. 623 Wilmersdorf, Berlin, on the second of June one thousand nine hundred nineteen. Before the undersigned civil registrar appeared this day for the purpose of con- traction of marriage: 1. University Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Albert Einstein, the personal identity of whom was established by birth certificate. Dissenter[1] 〈Religion〉, born on the fourteen th of March of the year one thou- sand eight hundred seventy-nine in Ulm, domiciled in Wilmersdorf, Berlin,[2] 113/114 Uhland Street,