1 7 4 V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 5 8 8 b
das letztere dem ersteren vor. Auch ist das Seewasser bis zu 25 warm
sodass fast alles, was nicht in den Ferien ist, den See genießt. Nach Deutschland
wäre mir fast noch unmöglicher zu kommen als Dir hierher, weil ich Doch schließ-
lich der einzige in der Familie bin, der irgend etwas besorgen
Wagenboden von unten Ansicht durch das Innenpendel
b.) Gewicht
c.) Eisenklotz
d.) Elektromagneten
e.) Schienen des Innenpendels
f.) Innenpendel
g.) Haken
h.) Axe des Gewichtes
Viele Grüße sendet Dir Dein
ALS. [144 457]. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the left margin of the document.
Doodles by the author at the foot of the page are omitted.
[1]Dated by the reference to summer vacation and the temperature (see notes 4 and 5).
[2]Probably Vol. 8, Doc. 557b, in the present volume.
[3]Earlier that year, Hans Albert had informed Einstein that he was working on the construction of
an electrical model train (Vol. 8, Doc. 442a, in the present volume) and on a suspension track (Vol. 8,
Doc. 557b, in the present volume).
[4]The summer vacation had begun on 15 July (see Geschäftsbericht der Zentralschulpflege der
Stadt Zürich 1918 (Schuljahr 1918/19), p. 7).
[5]The temperature in the shade in Zurich was 27 C on 15 July, climbing to 33 two days later (see
Wetterberichte der Schweizerischen Meteorologischen Zentralanstalt in Zürich (1918), vol. 2,
nos. 196 and 198).
[6]Einstein had invited Hans Albert to visit him in Germany following the cancellation of his own
plans to visit his family in Zurich in July (see Einstein to Mileva Einstein-Maric, 4 June 1918 [Vol. 8,
Doc. 557]). Both Mileva and Eduard were in poor health (see Vol. 8, Docs. 513a and 545a, in the
present volume).
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