I N T R O D U C T I O N T O V O L U M E 1 1 x i i i
Letters not presented as full texts were abstracted in the “Calendars” of these
volumes. Of the total of 2837 items of correspondence written by and to Einstein
in this period, 695 were abstracted and calendared. Volume 1 includes a “Chronol-
ogy” of Einstein’s life, covering the period from March 1879 to June 1902, and
Volume 5 includes a “Chronology/Calendar” covering the period from June 1902
to April 1914. The subsequent correspondence Volumes 8, 9, and 10 contain
“Calendars” that include references to and abstracts of known items of correspon-
dence that were not included as texts.
In order to facilitate comprehensive and swift access to the material published dur-
ing the past two decades, we decided to compile a volume that presents cumulative
indexes and the editorial apparatus of the ten volumes published to date.
The core of the present volume is the “Cumulative Index to Volumes 1–10.”
While this index is based on a merged version of the ten individual general indexes
to the documentary edition, the final Cumulative Index was prepared by means of
a combination of manual work, resolving inconsistencies among the thesauri of the
individual indexes, and automated routines that performed tasks such as detecting
subentries, sorting, merging, and adding volume numbers to page numbers.
Each of the ten individual general indexes of the documentary edition contained
an extensive entry on “Einstein, Albert (1879–1955),” containing numerous sub-
entries that pointed to information, primarily scientific, which was also referenced
elsewhere in the index. Therefore, in the course of preparing the present Cumula-
tive Index, we have retained under this particular heading only those references that
specifically refer to Einstein’s work, family, travels, opinions, personal life, politi-
cal views, and so forth.
The Cumulative Index now also includes references to the chronology and cal-
endars of Volumes 1, 5, and 8 that were not previously indexed. To the extent that
errors of fact or misprints in the individual indexes have come to our attention, they
have been corrected in the Cumulative Index and have not been listed in the “Errata
to Volumes 1–10” presented at the end of the current volume.
The present volume presents three bibliographies. The “List of Writings, 1891–
1921” and the “Einstein Bibliography, 1901–1921” provide chronological lists of
Einstein’s writings and publications, compiled from the documents included in the
first ten volumes of the CPAE.
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