C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 7 9
bership in the provincial board, and sends a contribution to
the organization. [43 124].
Nov 5 ALS from Walther Gerlach. Expresses his thanks for the
funds awarded by the KWIP. [78 047].
TLS from Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. The decision on funds
from KWIP for Walther Gerlach and the appointment of
Max von Laue to the KWIP board of trustees is brought into
action. Has no objection to the monthly salary of 400 M for
the secretary of the KWIP. [77 341.1].
TLS from Vieweg. Remits 10,000 M for the 13th edition of
Einstein 1917a; 5,708.64 M from the proceeds of selling the
copyright to its Italian edition; and 36,801.16 M from sell-
ing the copyright of its French edition. [42 113].
Nov 10 TLS from Vieweg. The 52,509.80 M mentioned in its letter
of 5 Nov cannot be transferred by check, since the limit is
10,000 M. Proceeds of 3,500 M from the Polish edition just
arrived, of which AE’s share is 2,333.35 M. Requests
instructions for the transfer of 54,843.15 M. [42 114].
Nov 14 TLS from Alexander Pflüger. Invites to lecture at the 25th
annual conference of the Association for the Promotion of
Mathematical and Scientific Education, to be held in Bonn
and dedicated to cosmological problems in their relation to
education. [44 656].
Nov 15 ALS from Paul Szende. Describes the main points of his
planned book dealing with the theory of relativity from a
sociological viewpoint, and attaches a reprint of his article,
Szende 1921, with the dedication “Herrn Prof. Dr. Albert
Einstein als Zeichen meiner tiefgefundenen Hochschätzung
Dr. Paul Szende Wien 10/XI, 1921.” [74 370].
Nov 16 TLS from Muller (Methuen). Offers 12.5% of the book
price as royalty for the English edition of Lorentz et al.
1920. [67 976].
Nov 18 TLS from Muller (Methuen). Sends contract on the English
editions of Einstein 1920j and 1921c. [67 977].
Nov 19 Visits Leonard Ornstein and Willem Julius in Utrecht.
Nov 20 Returns to Leyden.
ALS from Gustav Müller to the board of the Einstein Dona-
tion Fund. Since he is retiring as director of the Astrophysi-
cal Observatory, he resigns from the board in accordance
with the fund’s statutes. [11 249].