4 7 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
By ministerial decree, the maximum salary of Prussian full
professors is approved for K. Burdach and AE. Kirsten and
Treder 1979b, p. 245, No. 230.
IE to Frankfurter Zeitung. In answer to a (nonextant)
request of 24 Oct for a lecture on “Goethe as scientist,” sug-
gests “in Einstein’s name” that Ernst Cassirer be invited
instead. [43 724].
Dft to Walter Hahnemann. Invites him to a discussion in his
apartment of the problem raised by Hahnemann in his letter
of 14 Oct (Calendar). [41 831].
Oct 28 TLS from Vieweg. The 13th edition of Einstein 1917a is
printed in 5,000 copies, with an honorarium of 10,000 M
(20% of the unit price of 10 M). From the 8,562.95 M pro-
ceeds for the copyright of the Italian edition, two-thirds of
it, 5,708.64 M, is AE’s share. [67 889].
Oct 29 In Zurich, returning with Hans Albert from Italy, and visit-
ing with Eduard and Mileva.
Nov 1 TLS from Alfred Berger (Arbeiterfürsorgeamt der jüdischen
Organisationen Deutschlands). Asks for help for J. Buch-
mann, Palestine, to find a high-temperature electric oven in
Berlin for producing a carbide melt. [43 408].
Nov 2 TLS from Johann Koenigsberger. Requests funding from
the KWIP for his research, partly of geophysical nature. His
earlier support from the U.S. has ended. Philipp Lenard in
Heidelberg refuses to offer any help, evidently for political
reasons. Will provide details after having received a positive
answer. [77 790].
Leaves Zurich for Leyden and arrives in Frankfurt.
Nov 3 TLS from Gauthier-Villars. Sends a copy of Comptes ren-
dus de lÊAcadémie des Sciences with papers by Paul Pain-
levé and Emile Picard (Painlevé 1921a and 1921b, and
Picard 1921) that might interest AE. [43 737].
Report from German Embassy in Paris that eight votes had
been cast for AE at an election to corresponding member-
ship of the French Academy of Sciences. Kirsten and Treder
1979b, p. 171, No. 699.
Arrival in Leyden to stay with Ehrenfests and give his
annual lecture.
Nov 4 IE to Count zu Bentheim (Vereinigte Fürsorge für das Aus-
landdeutschtum). Accepts in AE’s name the honorary mem-
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