4 8 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Dec 9 IE to J. Bachmann. Fritz Haber’s institute has a melting fur-
nace of a maximum temperature of ca. 2,000 C. AE invites
him to discuss details. [43 409].
TLC to W. S. Davenport. The rotating disk is not a Euclid-
ean solid body because it cannot be set in rotation. It is not
the disk that is important in this consideration, but the mea-
suring rods that rest with respect to each other and rotate as
a whole with respect to an inertial system. [25 048].
Undated Dft [25 047].
TLS from Cristóbal de Losada y Puga. Attaches an issue of
Informaciones y Memorias de la Sociedad de Ingenieros del
Perú with his three lectures on the theory of relativity.
Promises to send his article on a relativistic formula to be
published in Archivos de la Asociación Peruana para el
Progreso de la Ciencia. [44 359].
ALS from Gerhard Schmidt. Peter P. Ewald decided not to
leave Stuttgart, therefore a new proposal has to be submitted
for the chair of theoretical physics at the University of Mün-
ster. Poppert has been proposed by Vienna colleagues.
Solicits opinion on him, as well as a short remark on the
works of Erich Kretschmann. [44 963].
Dec 10 IE to Gauthier-Villars. Forwards Gaston Moch’s letter on
errata in the French edition of Einstein 1917a with the
request to consider them for the subsequent edition.
[43 738].
Dec 12 Is elected foreign member of the Swedish Society of Sci-
ences and Arts in Gothenburg. [65 016].
TLS from Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. Cover letter to copy of his
letter to M&Co in which the bank is requested to remit
2,250 M quarterly to AE’s account, and 250 M to the tax
deduction account of KWIP, starting 1 Jan 1922. [40 139].
ALS from Rudolf Wolff, providing references and addi-
tional information about his education and background in
support of his request for financial assistance. [45 278].
Dec 13 IE to Vieweg. AE proposes to transfer 54,843.15 M by way
of an employee of Vieweg. [42 115].
Dec 14 Tr from a letter to Maja Winteler-Einstein in Pierre Spe-
ziali’s hand: “Liebe Schwester! Du thust mir sehr leid. …”
[81 471].