C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 8 5
TLS from Vereinigte Fürsorge für das Auslanddeutschtum
E. V. On behalf of Joachim von Winterfeldt, informs that
AE was admitted to honorary membership of the provincial
committee. Expresses thanks for 100 M donation. [43 125].
Dec 15 Signs proposal to the PAW to assign a larger quota of physi-
cists, at the expense of astronomers, for corresponding
membership. GyBAW, II-Ia, Bd 8, Bl. 184. Kirsten and Tre-
der 1979a, p. 39, No. 100. [87 655].
TLS from Friedrich Glum. AE’s last remittance sent to
M&Co was forwarded to the KWG office, since it alone is
entitled to manage remittances. Asks that future remittances
be sent to the office. [77 346].
Dec 16 IE to Methuen. AE considers the royalty for the U.S. mar-
keting of Einstein 1920j, 1921c, and Lorentz et al. 1920 too
low; he asks to receive the same amounts as in earlier agree-
ments. The 15% for the British edition is insufficient as
well. [69 009].
Tgm from Neue Freie Presse. Solicits an article for their
Christmas issue on the cooperation between Germany and
Austria in an effort to rescue science from its dismal condi-
tion. [144 540].
Dec 17 Together with Georg F. Nicolai, meets with Anatole France
in Hotel Adlon, Berlin, during France’s stop on his return
from Stockholm, where he had received the Nobel Prize in
Literature (see Doc. 325). Le Petit Parisien, 27 Dec. Appar-
ently this was the occasion when France wrote the following
dedication on an undated newspaper clipping that repro-
duces his speech at the Nobel banquet, held on 10 Dec in
Stockholm: “Au professeur Albert Einstein, sympathie et
admiration Anatole France.” [34 085].
TLS from Bund angestellter Chemiker und Ingenieure,
thanking AE for accepting their invitation to deliver a lec-
ture. In accordance with an arrangement with IE, the date
will be the evening of 5 Jan 1922. [43 454].
Dec 18 TLS from Franz Rusch. Remembers AE inviting young
Assistent colleagues at the University of Zurich for dinner,
even though AE himself was not better off than they, and
watching him make a kite for his son and simultaneously
pondering on the quantum theory of light. Sorry for not