4 8 6 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
having grasped the opportunity offered by AE at the time to
collaborate with him, but he had been intimidated by AE’s
knowledge. In Tientsin, he misses a good library, and asks
again for offprints of AE’s papers. [44 830].
Dec 19 TLS from M&Co. Transfers 1,000 M on remittance of the
KWIP board of trustees. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8,
Mappe Mendelssohn. [77 900].
Dec 20 TLC to M&Co. Thanks for the transfer of 1,000 M. Asks for
another 1,000 M since 2,000 M had been approved for the
operating expenses of the KWIP. [77 901].
TLS from Vieweg. They cannot send an employee, rather
will send a check in a registered letter, to be delivered in
person. [42 116].
Dec 21 Signs “The Plight of German Science. A Danger for the
Nation” (Vol. 7, Doc. 70).
TLS from Teubner. Remits 1931.25 M honorarium for the
4th edition of Lorentz et al. 1920. Requests right of transla-
tion of Lorentz et al. 1920 into any languages; royalties
would be shared 50–50%. [41 1091].
Dec 22 TLS from Emile Haguenin. Reiterates invitation to the con-
gress on philosophy to be held in Paris. In case of a negative
answer, asks for AE’s reasons so he can explain his absence
to his correspondents. Anatole France looks forward to
meeting AE. [43 829].
TLS from Muller (Methuen). They doubt whether there
would be as high an interest in the two new books (one
made up of Einstein 1920j and 1921c, the other Lorentz et
al. 1920) as there was in Einstein 1917a. If these new publi-
cations are not copyrighted in the U.S., the American pub-
lisher would only purchase an edition in sheets. Methuen is
prepared to increase the royalties on the sale of such quires
to 20% and 15%, resp. [69 010].
TLS from Wolfgang Otto. With reference to AE’s discus-
sions with Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe, a Dutch bank was
instructed to send Mileva a check for 2,000 francs.
[144 366].