1 3 8 D O C U M E N T S 1 9 8 , 1 9 9 A U G U S T 1 9 2 1
Michelson’s results are not yet ready (not available),
although he is very busily working on the “optical circuit”
experiments (on Mount
Please, dear Professor, do have patience with me and write
me very soon.
Yours very sincerely, with most cordial greetings,
L. Silberstein.
198. To Elsa Einstein
[Wustrow, 1 August
Dear Else,
I’m sending you herewith a draft for the Eng American
which would
have to be translated in Berlin by a good linguist and checked by us. I believe that
such a humorous treatment of the
would be the best way to take the edge
off it. We are thinking of departing from here Tuesday morning in 8 days (on the
9th), and if possible
by water with the boys to
Between the
18 th and the 20th I’ll be coming home again. Time is just going by too fast; it’s
very nice and comfortable.
The boys are both very healthy and intelligent and swim about like whales. I
might be taking Albert with me to
It really is nice to have such big boys.
What’s up with the log
Best regards from your
Tear up my letter, [. .
199. From Michele Besso
Bern, 42 Ziegler Street, 1 August 1921
Dear Albert,
To your letter of 28 May I responded about a month later with all sorts of ques-
tions about the future University of Jerusalem. Since then, I have even more ques-
tions stacked up—about negotiations by you regarding a lecture tour with
Lunacharsky, for
Today this article in the Bund is
and I would
really be curious to know whether this wasn’t a devilishly well-balanced selection
of statements really made by you, mainly to discredit you among Americans and at
the same time to discredit Americans among the Swiss.
Whoever wanders through there like a child, like Zangger and you, among the
iron members of these grizzled, mutually harrying monsters, is untouched, as far as
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