1 5 0 D O C U M E N T 6 1 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 2 [1]Kármán (1881–1963) was Professor of Aerodynamics and Mechanics at the Technical Univer- sity of Aachen. [2]Abraham (1875–1922) was Professor of Physics at the University of Munich. In 1912, Einstein warmly recommended Abraham for a chair at the University of Zurich (see Einstein to Alfred Kleiner, 2 April 1912 [Vol. 5, Doc. 382]), even though earlier they had been engaged in a published polemic about Einstein’s 1912 theory of gravitation (see Einstein 1912h and 1912i [Vol. 4, Docs. 8 and 9] and Abraham 1912f and 1912h). [3]On 12 December 1921 (Vol. 12, Doc. 321), Kármán had asked Einstein to join a protest against the seizure of an Aachen Gymnasium for the children of the occupying Belgian army. He furthermore asked if Einstein would allow Willy Renner to seek him out to discuss the matter. Renner (1855–1922) was owner of a spinning mill. [4]On 27 December 1921 (Vol. 12, Doc. 341), Einstein turned for assistance to Gerhart Hauptmann (1862–1946), the playwright and winner of the 1912 Nobel Prize for Literature. [5]Postscript added in Kármán’s hand.