D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y 5 8 1 The second reception was organized by the Technion Committee and was by invitation only. Ein- stein was welcomed by Hillel Jaffe, the committee’s chairman Baruch Bina, the representative of the Zionist Commission in Haifa Shlomo Buzaglo, a member of the Jewish community council Dr. Da- vid Spiegel, a teacher at the Reali School on behalf of the teachers and Shmuel Pevzner on behalf of the Hadar HaCarmel neighborhood. Einstein also addressed the attendees (see Doar Hayom, 14 Feb- ruary 1923). At the time of Einstein’s visit, preparations were still being made for introducing a curriculum at the Technion. [239]Rachel-Leah Weizmann-Tchmerinsky (1852?–1932), founder of the first home for the elderly in Haifa and mother of fifteen children. [240]The Protestant pastor Martin Schneider (1862–1933), head of the Mount Carmel mission which was built in 1913. The building in question was most likely the mission itself and not the pas- tor’s home, which had a sloping roof. [241]The Egyptian-born German-language playwright and poet Asis Domet (1890–1943) and his wife Adelheid Domet-Köbke. Domet subsequently wrote to Einstein and asked him whether he remembered being greeted by Domet in Arabic and German and calling him “my Arab friend” (“mein arabischer Freund”) in front of a large audience (see Asis Domet to Einstein, 24 September 1929 [46 055]). [242]According to the press, the festive banquet took place at the Reali School. It was attended by the school’s principal, teachers, senior pupils, alumni, and distinguished guests, including Shmuel Pevzner, Jaffe, Czerniawski, Elias Auerbach, and Baruch Bina. Auerbach (1882–1971) was a physi- cian and a scholar of Jewish history in biblical times. The school’s choir sang for the guests, Arthur Biram and an alumnus held welcoming speeches for Einstein, and Czerniawski gave a brief talk on relativity. Einstein’s speech, which “was steeped in emotion and admiration” (“she-haya ravui regesh ve-ha’aratsa”), was greeted with “wild applause” (“mechiot kapayim soarot”) (see Doar Hayom, 14 February 1923). [243]Einstein visited the Reali School on the morning of 11 February. He toured the dining room and the workrooms for mechanics, carpentry, and bookbinding. At the end of the visit, Einstein and Elsa planted a tree in the courtyard between the Technion and the Reali School (see Doar Hayom, 14 February 1923 Palestine Weekly , 16 February 1923). The Russian-Jewish industrialist Michael Polak had forged close ties with the Rothschild family that led to the establishment of the Portland Cement Syndicate in 1919. The Nesher factory for the production of cement and related products was founded by the syndicate in Yagur outside Haifa in 1922. It supplied most of the building products for the Yishuv. The Shemen oil factory, a plant for oil pressing and soap production, was founded in 1920 in Haifa by the Russian-Jewish industrial engineer Nachum Wilbushevitz. [244]Nahalal was established in 1921 as the first moshav ovdim (workers’ cooperative settlement). On their tour, the Einsteins were accompanied by Solomon Ginzberg. The moshav’s school welcomed the guests. While drinking tea, Einstein chatted with the moshav’s council members about the work- ing conditions and about the differences between the moshav ovdim’s system and that of other settle- ment models. They then toured the moshav, and Einstein expressed his amazement that the residents “take care of their beasts much more than they take care of themselves and their family members” (“do’agim harbe yoter le-behemoteihem ma’asher le-nafshoteihem u’le-nafshot bnei beitam”) (see Ha’aretz, 20 February 1923). Richard Kaufmann (1877–1958), architect and urban planner. Nahalal was the first settlement in Palestine he had designed. [245]Migdal lies on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee in the Ginossar Valley north of Tiberias. It was founded as an estate by a group of Zionists from Moscow in 1910. At the time of Einstein’s visit, it was in the process of being liquidated. The estate was run by Moshe Glikin (1874–1973), who resided in Haifa at the time. According to press reports, Einstein planted two trees during his visit (see Regev 2006, p. 111, and Palestine Weekly , 2 March 1923, p. 141). [246]The press reported that in Tiberias, Einstein “was accorded a warm welcome by the whole [Jewish] community.” Due to “torrents of rain,” the plan for Einstein to plant two trees in the new Jew- ish suburb of Kiryat Shmuel was canceled (see Palestine Weekly , 2 March 1923, pp. 140–141).
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