5 8 6 D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y in attendance, including Blas Cabrera, José Rodriguez Carracido, and Joaquín Salvatella the philos- ophers José Ortega y Gasset and Manuel García Morente the authors Miguel Asúa, José Maria Sala- verría, and Ramón Gómez de la Serna the neurologists Gonzalo R. Lafora and José M. Sacristán the physician and scientist Gregorio Marañon, the German paleontologist Hugo Obermaier and the Viz- conde de Eza, Luis de Marchalar y Monreal, a trustee of the Spanish Board for the Advancement of Research. At the event, Einstein and the violinist Antonio Fernández Bordas improvised an “intimate concert” (see ABC, 6 and 10 March 1923, and Glick 1988, pp. 129–131). [263]In the afternoon, a special session of the Mathematical Society was held. For a description of its deliberations, see Glick 1988, pp. 132–134. Kuno Kocherthaler. At 8:30 P.M., Einstein visited Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934), histologist, psychologist, and Nobel Prize winner. Einstein’s second Madrid lecture dealt with general relativity and was held at the Universidad Cen- tral (see El Imparcial, 6 March 1923 El Liberal, 8 March 1923 and Glick 1988, pp. 135–136). For the text of the lecture, see Appendix H. Presumably Wilhelm (Guillermo) Vogel, an associate at the Spanish-German Bank. [264]On the trip to Toledo, the Einsteins were accompanied by Julius (Julio) and Lina Kocherthaler Kuno Kocherthaler and his wife, the art historian María Luisa Cazurla Ortega y Gasset and the art historian Manuel B. Cossío, who was presumably the guide. They toured the Hospital de Santa Cruz, the Plaza de Zocodover, the Cathedral of Saint Mary of Toldeo, the medieval Tránsito and Santa María la Blanca synagogues, the Tagus River, and the church of Santo Tomé in which they viewed El Greco’s Burial of the Count of Orgaz (see ABC, 7 March 1923 Glick 1988, pp. 136–138 and Ortega’s description in La Nación, 15 April 1923). [265]Einstein was accompanied by Carracido at the audience, which took place at the Palacio Real at noon. Maria Christina of Austria (1858–1929). For Einstein’s invitation to the audience, see Abs. 534. The queen consort, Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, was visiting her mother in Algeciras in the south of Spain. Earlier in the day, a group of engineering students met with Einstein and invited him to lecture to the Alumni Association of Engineers and Architects. He promised to do so the next day (see ABC, 8 March 1923, and Glick 1988, p. 138). Einstein’s third lecture on problems raised by the theory of relativity and his work on a unified field theory was held at the Universidad Central. For the text of the lecture, see Appendix H. One jour- nalist estimated that not even one-fifth of the audience understood the lecture. High-ranking represen- tatives of the military were present, including the engineers Emilio Herrera and Joaquín de La Llave (see El Debate, El Imparcial, and El Liberal, 8 March 1923, and Glick 1988, pp. 138–139). Ernst Langwerth von Simmern (1865–1942). For the invitation, see Abs. 530. The reception was held at the German Embassy. It was attended by 110 guests, including Carracido, Blas Cabrera, Ma- nuel García Morente, the educator María de Meatzu, and many physicians, among them Florestán Aguilar, Julián Calleja, Teófilo Hernando, Gustavo Pittaluga, and Sebastiá Recasens, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad Central as well as members of the German community. Mar- garete von Simmern-Rottenburg and Juliane von Simmern (1910–?). “No foreign scholar has received such an enthusiastic and extraordinary reception in the Spanish capital in living memory” (“seit Menschen-gedenken kein auslaendischer Gelehrter eine so begeisterte und aussergewoehnliche Auf- nahme in der spanischen Hauptstadt gefunden hat” ABC, 8 March 1923 Ernst Langwerth von Sim- mern to Auswärtiges Amt, 19 March 1923 [GyBPAAA/R 64 677] and Glick 1988, p. 139). [266]The honorary doctorate was awarded by the Universidad Central de Madrid at a traditional cer- emony that commenced at 11 A.M. For the diploma, see Abs. 539. First, Josep Maria Plans read a biography of Einstein. For the text of Einstein’s short address, see Appendix I. This was followed by presentations by several students. The ambassador held a speech in Spanish on the history of cultural relations between Germany and Spain (for the text of the speech, see GyBAr(B)/Band 501, Deutsche Botschaft Madrid, Vorgang Einstein. See also Ernst Langwerth von Simmern to Auswärtiges Amt, 19 March 1923 [GyBPAAA/R 64 677] Glick 1988, p. 140 and Sánchez Ron and Romero de Pablos 2005, p. 65).