D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y M A R C H 1 9 2 3 5 6 3 8. Ehrendoktor Aecht spanische Reden mit zugehörigem bengalischem Feuer Lange aber inhaltlich gute Rede des d. Gesandten über deutsch-span. Beziehungen aber ins ächt deutsch. Nichts rhetorisches. Abends Dann Besuch bei techn. Stu- denten. Reden und nichts als Reden, aber gut gemeint. Abends Vortrag Dann bei Kuno musizieren. Ein Künstler (Direktor des Konservatoriums) Poras spielte herr- lich Violine.[266] \9. Ausflug nach Gebirge und Eskorial Herrlicher Tag. Abends Empfang im Studentenheim mit Reden von Ortega und mir[267] 10. Prado (Bilder von Velasquz und Greco hauptsächlich betrachtet) Abschieds- besuche. Essen beim deutschen Gesandten. Abends mit Lina und Ullmanns in pri- mitivem kleinem Tanzlokal.[268] Fröhlicher Abend. 11. Prado (Herrliche Werke von Goya, Raphael, Fra Angeli k co).[269] 12. Abr Reise nach S Zaragoza.[270] AD (NNPM, MA 3951). [29 129]. Excerpt published in Nathan and Norden 1975, pp. 75–76. The document presented here comprises part of a notebook that measures 22.7 × 17.5 cm and consists of 182 lined pages. The notebook includes 81 lined pages of travel diary entries, followed by 82 blank lined pages and 19 lined pages and one unlined page of calculations (see Doc. 418). These calculati- ons were written on the verso of this document, i.e., at the back end of the travel diary and upside down in relation to the diary entries. The pages of the notebook have been numbered by the NNPM. On the inside of the front flyleaf, Helen Dukas has noted “Reise nach Japan Palestine Spanien 6. Ok- tober 1922–12. 3. 23.” The diary entries appear on pp. 1 to 41v. Page 39v is blank. The diary entries are written in ink, with the exception of pp. 1, 5v, and 6, which are written entirely in pencil, and pp. 1v, 2v, 3, 3v, 4v, and 5, which are written partially in pencil. [1]Michele Besso and Lucien Chavan. Einstein had traveled from Berlin to Zurich on 3 October. He informed Besso that he planned to arrive in Bern on 6 October at 10 A.M. (see Edgar Meyer to Paul Epstein, 4 October 1922 [CPT, Paul Epstein Collection, folder 5.60], and Doc. 377). [2]The SS Kitano Maru was owned by the Nippon Yusen Kaisha shipping company. [3]This was probably Hayari Miyake (1866–1945), Professor of Surgery at Kyushu Imperial Uni- versity. As Miyake was short in stature, Einstein may have initially misjudged his age. He had been in Europe to inspect medical institutions and surgical equipment on behalf of the Japanese govern- ment. He had also collected signatures among European surgeons for a petition to the International Surgical Association against its boycott of former Axis countries. The physician from Munich may be Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch (1875–1951), Professor of Med- icine at the University of Munich, whom Miyake visited while in Europe. However, in contrast to Ein- stein’s reference to Miyake’s expulsion, Sauerbruch was allegedly one of the many German surgeons who came to see Miyake off in Marseille and even introduced him to Einstein (see Hiki 2009, p. 13). [4]Hayari Miyake. He had studied medicine at the University of Breslau. [5]Kretschmer 1921. [6]Bergson 1922. [7]In Riemannian geometry, the direction of a vector need not be preserved when the vector is transported around a closed curve. In Hermann Weyl’s unified field theory of gravity and electromag- netism, the electromagnetic gauge field gets included in the geometry when local conformal invari- ance of the line element ds is demanded as a consequence, the magnitude of a vector also no longer needs to be preserved when it is parallel transported around a closed curve (see Weyl 1918a). [8]A small island off the north coast of Sicily in the Tyrrhenian Sea. It has one of the three active volcanoes in Italy. [9]Paul Oppenheim. [10]Viscount Kikujiro Ishii (1866–1945), Japanese ambassador to France and a Japanese represen- tative at the League of Nations. [p. 41v]