1 0 2 D O C U M E N T S 8 4 , 8 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 for the sake of peace—I had always tried to weaken these conflicts by laughter and congenial talking around it. But if O. really has acted this way in Utrecht, as is now becoming probable (it is not yet certain), then it is gradually becoming a duty to erect a dam against this business, which is beginning to become aggressive. If you happen to find the chance to write a nice little letter to the De Haases[13] one of these days, it would be appreciated! Cordial regards, yours, Ehrenfest 83. From Paul Winteler Fiesole V. Verdi 8 [13 March 1922] [Not selected for translation.] 84. To Thomas Barclay [Berlin,] 14 March 1922 Dear Sir Thomas Barclay– With reference to your kind inquiry[1] I can inform you that I am coming to Paris on March 27th for ca. 10 days in order to give a few talks at the Collège de France.[2] Considering my imperfect knowledge of the Fren[ch] language, m[y] duties thus already assumed will be a very great effort for me so it will be scarcely possible for me to follow yet another invitation to speak at the S[ociété] de Phy- sique. However, it will be a great pleasure for me to discuss with [Mr.] P[ainlevé][3] scientif. questions of mutual interest to us. In hope of seeing you again in Paris, I am, with amic. greetings, sincerely yours 85. To Maurice Solovine Berlin, 14 March 1922 Dear Solovine, To a happy reunion in Paris! I’m arriving there on the 27th or 28th of March.[1] Langevin is arranging a hideout for me that he will divulge to you but which I ask you please to keep strictly secret for the days of my Parisian stay will be very exhausting as it is.[2]