D O C U M E N T S 8 6 , 8 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 1 0 3 I have two objections to the draft contract by Gauthier-Villars:[3] (1) The paragraph labeled by me as b has to be struck, because I only want to give him the publisher’s rights to the French translation, of course. (2) The para- graph labeled a is incomprehensible to me. We can perhaps settle this affair during my presence in Paris. I’m very much looking forward to our being together, if only my beak were better polished in French. Kind regards from your A. Einstein. 86. From Michael Polányi Dahlem, Berlin, 4–6 Faraday Way, 14 March 1922 Dear Professor, On an earlier occasion you most kindly agreed that you would intervene on behalf of Dr. E. Bródy.[1] He writes me now that he has some prospect of becoming an assistant in Pasadena (California) in Millikan’s new institute,[2] the theoretical heads of which will be Epstein & Tolman.[3] A pertinent suggestion by Professor Born has already gone out to Epstein. Please allow me to request you kindly write to one of the mentioned gentlemen in America. The staff of this institute is being assembled right now and a timely intervention could surely accommodate another man there. For your kind help I thank you also in my own name and send my humble regards in great respect, yours, M. Polanyi. 87. To Paul Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 15 March [1922][1] Dear Ehrenfest, If O[rnstein] is doing such terrible things, someone should first appeal to his conscience and, if that bears no fruit, confront him.[2] I’m at your disposal to do anything within my capacity. For inst., I am willing to write him and tell him off. So now I’m coming to see all of you at the end of April. I really am a poor devil: on 27 March until around 5 April I have to speak in Paris at the Collège de France