1 7 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 9 9 , 2 0 0 M A Y 1 9 2 2 such a short time became productive collaborators in the scientific endeavors of the West, without betraying their own national traditions. I believe that in these times of political unrest it is the primary duty of all scholars to keep science and relations between researchers free from any political influences. I have the impression that in this regard the conduct of Japanese scholars may be viewed as exemplary and I cherish the hope that among Western scholars, too, the genuinely scientific spirit focused on factuality will soon win the day. The friendly attitude of your academy about which you wrote me in your letter honestly pleases me.[2] In expressing the hope that I can make my most humble contribution toward solving the problems concerning my field of work within your country, I am, in utmost respect, yours truly. 199. From Robert A. Millikan Brussels,[1] 22 May 1922 Sir: I have the honor to inform you that you were elected a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences at its annual meeting held in Washington April 24 to 26, 1922. The Academy thus desires to express its high appreciation of your ser- vices to science, and trusts you will signify your acceptance of this election. In due course a diploma signed by the officers of the Academy will be sent to you.[2] Assuring you of my personal pleasure in counting you as one of our members, I am very respectfully yours, Robert Andrews Millikan Foreign Secretary. Translator’s note: Original written in English. 200. To Paul Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 23 May 1922[1] Dear Ehrenfest, At first, your shock hypothesis made a great deal of sense to me and I had already even seriously thought about this interpretation myself. But now I have reached a different view, which, however, I cannot establish rigorously. I’ll tell you about it purely schematically.