3 1 4 D O C U M E N T S 1 9 9 , 2 0 0 M A Y 1 9 2 2 Indem ich die Hoffnung ausspreche, in Ihrem Lande zur Klärung der mein Ar- beitsfeld bildenden Fragen in aller Bescheidenheit beitragen zu können, bin ich mit dem Ausdrucke meiner ausgezeichneten Hochachtung Ihr ergebener TLC. [36 433]. Addressee is identified by a handwritten note by Helen Dukas on top of the page: “H. Nagaoka.” [1]In Doc. 115, Nagaoka had informed Einstein of the welcome he could expect in Japan during his upcoming lecture tour. [2]Nagaoka had conveyed greetings from the members of the Imperial Academy of Japan. 199. From Robert A. Millikan Brussels[1] May 22/22. Sir: I have the honor to inform you that you were elected a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences at its annual meeting held in Washington April 24 to 26, 1922. The Academy thus desires to express its high appreciation of your ser- vices to science, and trusts you will signify your acceptance of this election. In due course a diploma signed by the officers of the Academy will be sent to you.[2] Assuring you of my personal pleasure in counting you as one of our members, I am very respectfully yours, Robert Andrews Millikan Foreign Secretary. TLS. [30 147]. Written on letterhead “National Academy of Sciences Office of the Foreign Secretary Mount Wilson Solar Observatory Pasadena California,” and addressed “Dr. Albert Einstein Univer- sity of Berlin Berlin, Germany.” Attached to Abs. 234. [1]Millikan was residing in Belgium as an exchange professor (see Abs. 234 and Doc. 251). [2]For the original diploma, dated 26 April 1922, see [65 017]. 200. To Paul Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 23. V. 22[1] Lieber Ehrenfest! Zuerst hat mir Deine Schock-Hypothese sehr eingeleuchtet, hatte selber auch schon ernstlich an diese Auffassung gedacht. Nun aber habe ich eine andere Ansicht erlangt, die ich allerdings nicht streng begründen kann. Ich sage es rein schematisch.