1 7 4 D O C U M E N T S 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 , 2 0 4 M A Y 1 9 2 2 201. To Robert A. Millikan Berlin, 25 May 1922 Highly esteemed Sir, Please convey my most cordial thanks to the Washington Academy for my nom- ination as foreign associate of the Academy in Washington,[1] which I had the honor of visiting last year.[2] I naturally accept the election with thanks, welcoming it not just for myself personally but also as a positive sign of the gradual restoration of international collaboration in the area of science. In great respect, yours sincerely. 202. To Robert A. Millikan Berlin, 25 May 1922 Dear Mr. Millikan, I thank you for relaying the good news[1] and seize this opportunity to express my admiration for the excellent and multifaceted work with which you have recently enriched physics. With my best wishes for your efforts I am, with kind regards, yours, A. Einstein. 203. To Erwin Finlay Freundlich Berlin, 26 May 1922 [Not selected for translation.] 204. From Max Planck Grunewald, 26 May 1922 Dear Colleague, Just let me say a word here, after some reflection, about what I think of the plan for a conference of physicists in Berlin. I absolutely do view it as appropriate, in the sense of fulfilling a duty of courtesy as well as in the interest of our German science, to return various honorable invitations abroad that you received with a cor-