D O C U M E N T S 2 0 5 , 2 0 7 M A Y 1 9 2 2 1 7 5 responding counterinvitation to foreign physicists. On the other hand, however, we should carefully avoid anything that may be conceived as going beyond the scope of a simple return invitation. I wrote to Nernst[1] in the same sense and asked him to arrange for a meeting of the Academy’s physicists in one of the upcoming c[ongres]s days. Then we can discuss the various details. Cordial greetings, yours, Planck. 205. From Marie Curie-Sk odowska [Paris,] 27 May [19]22 Dear Sir, You were, as was I, invited to participate in the International Committee on Intel- lectual Cooperation of the League of Nations.[1] I would like to know whether you accepted this invitation. I, for my part, believe that acceptance by you, just as by me, would without a doubt be necessary, if we firmly hope to do a real service. This is also the opinion of our mutual friends. But I don’t yet gather what the commit- tee’s forms of action are nor the work it would have to accomplish. I would be very pleased to know what you think about this subject. My only feeling is that the League of Nations, although still imperfect, is one hope for the future. Most sincerely yours, M. Curie. 206. From Uzumi Doi[1] 27 May 1922 [See the documentary edition for the original English.] 207. To Marie Curie-Sk odowska Berlin, 30 May 1922 Esteemed Madame Curie, Although it wasn’t at all clear to me what the constituent committee will be able to achieve,[1] after brief reflection I did accept.[2] The intent of international rap- prochement surely lies behind this endeavor whether we can gain some influence
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