C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 8 9 9 have inherited his sensibility from his Chassidic Kabbalist great-grandfather Reikes. Is interested in the mysticism of numbers and letters of the Babylonians, Greeks, and Jews, and publishes the series “Quabbala, Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der jüdi- schen Mystik.” Both before and during the war, when he lost his entire platoon, he was diagnosed as being mentally unstable, yet he sees this in a different light. Even though scientific work provides him with stability and security, he does see himself as being someone for whom a rational lifestyle is self-evident or innate. ALS. [43 612]. 646. From the Auswärtiges Amt Berlin, 5 February 1925 Sends AE’s ministerial passport for his South American trip. Wants to meet AE before his departure. ALS. [82 351]. 647. To the Jewish Youth Society in Leyden Leyden, 12 February 1925 Thanks them for their gift. ALS. [76 785]. 648. From Wickliffe Rose (International Education Board) [New York,] 16 February 1925 Augustus Trowbridge, of Princeton University, has been appointed director of the board’s work in the field of physical and biological sciences for European countries and has arrived in Paris. Recommends sending him proposals in advance to be discussed by the board at its meeting in May. TLS. [43 966]. 649. To Emil B. Cohn [Berlin, before 17 February 1925] Enclosed sends an official letter to Cohn’s acquaintance (see Abs. 650). Believes the au- thor is incorrect. ALSX. [43 460]. 650. From Emil B. Cohn Berlin, 17 February 1925 Thanks for AE’s kind reply to Cohn’s acquaintance in Bonn. Sends two of his books for AE’s enjoyment during his travels. ALS. [43 461]. 651. From the New Palestine New York, 17 February 1925 Request a copy of AE’s lecture delivered in Jerusalem a year or two previously (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, note 224), to reprint in a special issue in connection with the opening of the Hebrew University. Have also asked Selig Brodetsky. TLC. [90 487]. 652. From Otto Lang Vienna, 19 February 1925 Zevi Chajes, Chief Rabbi of Vienna, has already sent AE the enclosed booklet (Lang 1925) but he wants to introduce himself and explain his motives. Is the editor of the Zeitschrift für Wahrheitsforschung. His efforts to combat anti-Semitism have not re- ceived much attention in the Jewish press, or from his fellow Zionists. Believes his pro- posal for the establishment of a technical working group for a scientific economic order is particularly applicable in Palestine, where no preexisting economic relations hinder its organization. The Germans should also realize that the present hostility against Jews will lead them in the wrong direction. In addition to two Austrian technical associations, he has secured the support of the Verein deutscher Ingenieure in Berlin. Requests words of support, not for himself, but for the cause. Attaches a typescript on his “Monosophie” ([44 247]). TLS. [44 248]. 653. To the Reichsdruckerei Berlin, 20 February 1925 Sends back the galley proofs of Einstein 1925i (Doc. 427). Urges that the proofs of an- other of his papers be sent, because he will be leaving for three months in March. Plans to complain about the slowness of the publication of the Sitzungsberichte. [The entire text is crossed out in an unknown hand.] ALS. [88 686]. 654. To David Baumgardt [Berlin,] 22 February 1925 Regrets having missed his inaugural lecture. Asks for a transcript. AKS. [81 074].
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