9 0 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 655. To Ernst Cassirer [Berlin,] 22 February 1925 Asks to help Erich Weil, a young Jewish student in need of temporary employment in Hamburg. ALS. [80 735]. 656. From Walter Loewenfeld Berlin, 24 February 1925 Acknowledges the receipt of AE’s comments on his manuscript “Bemerkungen zur Geistesgeschichte der Gegenwart.” ALS. [44 355]. 657. From Robert Weltsch Berlin, 26 February 1925 Has received the article for the Jüdische Rundschau [probably Einstein 1925l (Doc. 470)]. Forwards Doc. 442. TLS. [44 157]. 658. From Leo Kohn Berlin, 2 March 1925 Sends the edited version and the original of Doc. 450. Also sends [the draft of] Doc. 451 that he plans to present at the meeting of the Kuratorium. TLS. [36 882]. 659. From A. M. Bose Zurich, 4 March 1925 His application for a research scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation has been re- jected. Asks AE to recommend that he receive the scholarship, since without it he would have to give up his research and academic career. ALS. [43 332]. 660. From Esther Eliaschoff Kaunas, 4 March 1925 Complains about the serious financial difficulties of the Jewish College Courses in Kaunas-Kowno since her return on 13 February 1925. ALS. [44 053]. 661. From Hans Ludendorff Potsdam, 5 March 1925 Sends a copy of guidelines ([11 280]) compiled by the minister of culture on the eco- nomic management of the Einstein Institute, established by the Einstein-Stiftung within the framework of the observatory. TLS. [11 279]. 662. From Ortner (Karl König Publishing House) Vienna, 5 March 1925 Sends the first five volumes of the series Menschen–Völker–Zeiten and asks AE to write a review. TLS. [44 169]. 663. To Elsa and Margot Einstein [Vigo, 9 March 1925] Has been sunbathing on board the SS Cap Polonio. Ship has made port calls in La Coruña and Vigo. Will land in Lisbon tomorrow. Is hearing many curious things about Argentina. AKS. [143 181]. 664. From Franz Tank Zurich, 16 March 1925 Informs on behalf of the Physikalische Gesellschaft Zurich that during the general meet- ing of the society, AE was elected an honorary member. TLS. [30 198]. 665. From Leo Kohn Berlin, 19 March 1925 On behalf of the preparatory committee of the Hebrew University, accepts the manu- script of Einstein 1916e (Vol. 6, Doc. 30) and will transfer it to the university library. In case of any disagreements, the manuscript will be returned to AE. At the time of the re- ceipt of the donation, 2,000 M was remitted to Elsa Einstein for transfer to the Einstein- Stiftung in Potsdam, to be placed at the disposal of Erwin Freundlich, and 400 M was remitted for charitable purposes. ALSX. [11 330]. 666. On the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro [Rio de Janeiro,] 21 March 1925 “Der Besuch im botanischen Garten in Rio de Janeiro in der Führung des liebenswürdi- gen und gütigen Prof. Dr. Pacheco Leão bedeutet für mich eines der grössten Erlebnisse,