APPENDIX E STATEMENT ON ZIONISM In a question and answer session with local journalists in Buenos Aires, Einstein was asked about his position on Zionism. His statement was published in an article entitled “Einstein y sus verdugos” (“Einstein and His Executioners”) and published in Mundo Israelita, 28 March 1925, p. 2. […] No soy sionista en el sentido de creer que aquél resuelva el problema judío. Simpa- tizo con la obra que realizan los partidarios de ese ideal y contribuyo a ella porque creo en la necesidad de formar un centro moral que pueda unificar a todos los judíos y desde el cual sea factible irradiar la cultura hebrea. Esta última es la funcíon que yo atribuyo a la Univer- sidad de Jerusalem, próxima a inaugurarse. […] TRANSLATION […] I am not a Zionist in the sense that I believe it will resolve the Jewish problem. I sympathize with the work done by the supporters of this ideal and I participate in this work because I am convinced of the necessity of creating a moral center that could unify all Jews and, where feasible, disseminate Jewish culture. The latter is the role of the University of Jerusalem which will be inaugurated shortly. […]