3 8 8 D O C U M E N T 2 5 5 M A Y 1 9 2 4 ALS. [10 085]. Written on letterhead “Natuurkundig Laboratorium der Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden.” [1]In early December, Ehrenfest had traveled to the United States to visit the California Institute of Technology (see Doc. 165). [2]Robert A. Millikan. [3]Abram F. Ioffe (1880–1960) was Professor of Physics at the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute and at the University of Leningrad. [4]Wickliffe Rose (1862–1931). Ehrenfest had met with him on 6 May 1924 (see Ehrenfest to Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, 7 May 1924, NL-LeRM, Ehrenfest Archive, [94 973]). [5]In the letter mentioned in the preceding note, Ehrenfest states that he had communicated Ein- stein’s wish for financial support for Grommer to Leo Loeb, brother of Jacques Loeb. Ehrenfest had met him in St. Louis, where he was visiting his brother Hugo Ehrenfest at the end of December 1923, on his way to California. According to Ehrenfest, Leo Loeb had then written to his brother, who immediately took care of Einstein’s request. See also Doc. 187 and Abs. 267. [6]Hendrik A. Lorentz. On his Pasadena stay, see Doc. 115, note 10. [7]Anna Ehrenfest.
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