C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 7 7 420. To Unknown 21 August 1924 “Anatole France ist ein besserer Erzieher zur Güte als alle mir bekannten Moralisten von Profession.” ADSX. [81 620]. 421. To Leonid Dolshansky Berlin, 26 August 1924 Asks him to speak with [Simon M.] Tannenbaum to reconsider the retracted offer to Getzowa (see Abs. 414). TLSP. [71 105]. 422. To Sonia Getzowa Berlin, 26 August 1924 Acknowledges receipt of Abs. 414. Recommends contacting Dolshansky in Jerusalem and Elias Auerbach in Haifa. TLS. Rambod Auction Catalog 17 September 1997, lot 48. [84 304.1] TTrL [91 226]. 423. Betty Neumann to Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 26 August 1924 Forwards a copy of Doc. 301 sent from Moscow concerning the Jerusalem library. TLS. [121 637]. 424. From the Nobel Committee for Physics Stockholm, 1 September 1924 On behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, invites AE to nominate a candi- date for the Nobel Prize for Physics for the year 1925. PLS. [30 054]. 425. From Sigmund Zeisler Vienna, 4 September 1924 Received Doc. 230 while in New York. The funds are not being managed by him but by Samuel Untermyer. Recommends authorizing Untermyer to transfer the deposit to the Bankers Trust Company, and to instruct them to transfer the interest to Ilse Kayser-Ein- stein. The deposit on 16 May was 8% bonds of the Kelly Springfield Co. in a nominal value of $4,500 ¾% U.S. bonds in a nominal value of $600 and $393.97 of noninvested money. TLS. [45 304]. 426. From Edward Berry West Lynn, Mass., 6 September 1924 Not having received an answer to Abs. 353, asks whether to send additional specimens. TLS. [43 254]. 427. To Samuel Untermyer Berlin, 8 September 1924 Expresses condolences for the passing of his wife. Heard the news from Sigmund Zeis- ler. Also thanks for the friendly advice informs that he transferred the funds prior to Ilse Kayser-Einstein’s marriage. Agrees with depositing the sum at the Bankers Trust Com- pany in her name and to send the dividend for the period starting 1 July 1924 to Rudolf Kayser. TLC. [45 160]. 428. From Lazare Florin Jassy, 10 September 1924 Accepts the conditions set by AE in his letter to Vieweg (15% royalty of the book price). The Romanian edition of the 13th German edition of Einstein 1917a will be published in the 1925 Almanach scientifique and in a deluxe edition for which the royalty will be 50%. Requests a photo with signature and a few lines on AE’s impressions on the Ro- manian year-of-science, as well as a short article on the Jerusalem university. ALS. [42 161]. 429. To Oscar Wassermann Berlin, 11 September 1924 Sends his condolences [for the passing of his wife]. ALSX (Robert S. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc., 1992). [79 222].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 7 7 420. To Unknown 21 August 1924 “Anatole France ist ein besserer Erzieher zur Güte als alle mir bekannten Moralisten von Profession.” ADSX. [81 620]. 421. To Leonid Dolshansky Berlin, 26 August 1924 Asks him to speak with [Simon M.] Tannenbaum to reconsider the retracted offer to Getzowa (see Abs. 414). TLSP. [71 105]. 422. To Sonia Getzowa Berlin, 26 August 1924 Acknowledges receipt of Abs. 414. Recommends contacting Dolshansky in Jerusalem and Elias Auerbach in Haifa. TLS. Rambod Auction Catalog 17 September 1997, lot 48. [84 304.1] TTrL [91 226]. 423. Betty Neumann to Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 26 August 1924 Forwards a copy of Doc. 301 sent from Moscow concerning the Jerusalem library. TLS. [121 637]. 424. From the Nobel Committee for Physics Stockholm, 1 September 1924 On behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, invites AE to nominate a candi- date for the Nobel Prize for Physics for the year 1925. PLS. [30 054]. 425. From Sigmund Zeisler Vienna, 4 September 1924 Received Doc. 230 while in New York. The funds are not being managed by him but by Samuel Untermyer. Recommends authorizing Untermyer to transfer the deposit to the Bankers Trust Company, and to instruct them to transfer the interest to Ilse Kayser-Ein- stein. The deposit on 16 May was 8% bonds of the Kelly Springfield Co. in a nominal value of $4,500 ¾% U.S. bonds in a nominal value of $600 and $393.97 of noninvested money. TLS. [45 304]. 426. From Edward Berry West Lynn, Mass., 6 September 1924 Not having received an answer to Abs. 353, asks whether to send additional specimens. TLS. [43 254]. 427. To Samuel Untermyer Berlin, 8 September 1924 Expresses condolences for the passing of his wife. Heard the news from Sigmund Zeis- ler. Also thanks for the friendly advice informs that he transferred the funds prior to Ilse Kayser-Einstein’s marriage. Agrees with depositing the sum at the Bankers Trust Com- pany in her name and to send the dividend for the period starting 1 July 1924 to Rudolf Kayser. TLC. [45 160]. 428. From Lazare Florin Jassy, 10 September 1924 Accepts the conditions set by AE in his letter to Vieweg (15% royalty of the book price). The Romanian edition of the 13th German edition of Einstein 1917a will be published in the 1925 Almanach scientifique and in a deluxe edition for which the royalty will be 50%. Requests a photo with signature and a few lines on AE’s impressions on the Ro- manian year-of-science, as well as a short article on the Jerusalem university. ALS. [42 161]. 429. To Oscar Wassermann Berlin, 11 September 1924 Sends his condolences [for the passing of his wife]. ALSX (Robert S. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc., 1992). [79 222].

