8 8 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 470. From Ilja Dyzur Berlin, 26 October 1924 Is forwarding a letter from the Comité executif de la Conférence Universelle Juive de Secours and its address in Paris. TLS. [44 835]. 471. From Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa Leyden, 27 October 1924 Sends translation of Michel Fedoroff’s report on needy Russian refugee students in France, Poland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Estonia. Fedoroff proposes monthly sti- pends for them. She shares AE’s low opinion of Reynold. Her daughter Tatiana is study- ing hard for her professor [Willem] Keesom. Is preparing to continue her studies in Len- ingrad. ALS. [10 276]. 472. From Kurt Joël Berlin, 28 October 1924 Encloses dispatches from Copenhagen ([8 081] and [8 083]). Believes them to be incor- rect and inquires whether it should be “Planck’s Quantum Theory” instead of “Einstein’s Theory of Light”? Asks for clarification. TLS. [8 078]. 473. From Leon Steinig Vienna, 28 October 1924 Encloses the resolution of the Executive of the Weltverband der jüdischen Studenten- schaft formulated at its plenary meeting of 1 October and asks AE to serve as president of the committee. Chaim Nachman Bialik, Georg Brandes, Hirsch Perez Chajes, Felix Frankfurter, Max Liebermann, Prof. [Samuel] Alexander (London), and Stephen S. Wise will serve as vice presidents. TLS. [44 062]. 474. To Edward Berry [Berlin,] 29 October 1924 Thanks for his letters (see Abs. 353 and Abs. 426) and the quartz specimen, but since he does not have his own laboratory, cannot make use of them. TLC. [43 256]. 475. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Sonia Getzowa Berlin, 29 October 1924 Forwards Leonid Dolshansky’s letter with the request to return it for its further use in Getzowa’s interest. TLC. [43 749]. 476. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Walter Guttmann Berlin, 29 October 1924 Informs him that AE regrets not having time to address his request due to work overload (see Abs. 453). TLC. [44 535]. 477. To [Wilfrid?] Kilian [Berlin,] 29 October 1924 Thanks for the book. ALS. [79 025]. 478. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 29 October 1924 Thanks for Abs. 440. Concerning the Günzburg library, Otto Warburg and Heinrich Loewe will send a report. TD. [69 065]. 479. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Erich Marx Berlin, 29 October 1924 On behalf of AE, responds to Abs. 454 that he moved to Switzerland in the autumn of 1895 and became naturalized in 1902 [correct date 1901]. TLC. [44 394]. 480. To Friedrich Mayer Berlin, 29 October 1924 In reply to Abs. 444, proposes studying at a technical university, which offers better job prospects. Can give him a recommendation. TLC. [44 417]. 481. To Georges Oprescu Berlin, 29 October 1924 Thanks for Abs. 469. Will be in Berlin in the middle of the next month and will be glad to see him. TLC. [34 908].
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8 8 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 470. From Ilja Dyzur Berlin, 26 October 1924 Is forwarding a letter from the Comité executif de la Conférence Universelle Juive de Secours and its address in Paris. TLS. [44 835]. 471. From Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa Leyden, 27 October 1924 Sends translation of Michel Fedoroff’s report on needy Russian refugee students in France, Poland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Estonia. Fedoroff proposes monthly sti- pends for them. She shares AE’s low opinion of Reynold. Her daughter Tatiana is study- ing hard for her professor [Willem] Keesom. Is preparing to continue her studies in Len- ingrad. ALS. [10 276]. 472. From Kurt Joël Berlin, 28 October 1924 Encloses dispatches from Copenhagen ([8 081] and [8 083]). Believes them to be incor- rect and inquires whether it should be “Planck’s Quantum Theory” instead of “Einstein’s Theory of Light”? Asks for clarification. TLS. [8 078]. 473. From Leon Steinig Vienna, 28 October 1924 Encloses the resolution of the Executive of the Weltverband der jüdischen Studenten- schaft formulated at its plenary meeting of 1 October and asks AE to serve as president of the committee. Chaim Nachman Bialik, Georg Brandes, Hirsch Perez Chajes, Felix Frankfurter, Max Liebermann, Prof. [Samuel] Alexander (London), and Stephen S. Wise will serve as vice presidents. TLS. [44 062]. 474. To Edward Berry [Berlin,] 29 October 1924 Thanks for his letters (see Abs. 353 and Abs. 426) and the quartz specimen, but since he does not have his own laboratory, cannot make use of them. TLC. [43 256]. 475. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Sonia Getzowa Berlin, 29 October 1924 Forwards Leonid Dolshansky’s letter with the request to return it for its further use in Getzowa’s interest. TLC. [43 749]. 476. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Walter Guttmann Berlin, 29 October 1924 Informs him that AE regrets not having time to address his request due to work overload (see Abs. 453). TLC. [44 535]. 477. To [Wilfrid?] Kilian [Berlin,] 29 October 1924 Thanks for the book. ALS. [79 025]. 478. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 29 October 1924 Thanks for Abs. 440. Concerning the Günzburg library, Otto Warburg and Heinrich Loewe will send a report. TD. [69 065]. 479. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Erich Marx Berlin, 29 October 1924 On behalf of AE, responds to Abs. 454 that he moved to Switzerland in the autumn of 1895 and became naturalized in 1902 [correct date 1901]. TLC. [44 394]. 480. To Friedrich Mayer Berlin, 29 October 1924 In reply to Abs. 444, proposes studying at a technical university, which offers better job prospects. Can give him a recommendation. TLC. [44 417]. 481. To Georges Oprescu Berlin, 29 October 1924 Thanks for Abs. 469. Will be in Berlin in the middle of the next month and will be glad to see him. TLC. [34 908].

