C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 8 9 543. From Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa Leyden, 28 November 1924 Sends addresses of Estonian and Polish students and professors to whom money could be sent. Adds that from among 800 Polish students, 640 are not able to study. Her daugh- ter Tatiana Ehrenfest is finishing her exams and plans to visit Russia and Germany. ALS. [10 279]. 544. From Horst Höhne Magdeburg, 30 November 1924 Requests help from AE as a member of the ICIC to obtain a position at a foreign school or university, with the intention to contribute to the reconciliation of nations. ALS. [43 927]. 545. From Kornel Lanczos Frankfurt a. M., 30 November 1924 Received Abs. 526 only a day before. Has already sent his paper (Lanczos 1926) to Er- hard Schmidt for publication in the Mathematische Zeitschrift and has asked that it be forwarded to AE for publication in the Mathematische Annalen. Asks to convey his re- gards to E[nrique F.] Barros at the University of Córdoba, a member of the liberal party in Argentina and a friend of [Georg F.] Nicolai and [Alfons] Goldschmidt, in case AE meets him. ALS. [15 215]. 546. From Paul Lazarus Paris, 30 November 1924 Forwards Heer’s request for recommendation. Marie Curie sends her best wishes. Re- minds AE of his request sent a month earlier for an article in a handbook on radiation biology and therapy. ALS. [15 081]. 547. From Richard Meißner Cologne, 1 December 1924 Thanks for AE’s letter of 29 November. Discusses the possible technical reasons why certain violins have excellent tone. Intends to discover a scientific explanation thereof. Promises to evaluate AE’s violin. TLS. [44 429]. 548. From Richard Meißner Cologne, 1 December 1924 Continues his considerations on the causes determining the tone of violins. TLS. [44 430]. 549. From Springer Publishing House Berlin, 1 December 1924 Encloses sales statements for books totaling 766,66 gold marks (see [41 1077] and [41 1077.1]). TLS. [41 1076]. 550. To Senator Contadini (League of Nations) [Berlin, 2 December 1924] Has heard that Contadini can provide information regarding the distribution of 100,000 lire (see Abs. 446). Intends to complete the distribution in December. ADftL. [34 910]. 551. From Gano Dunn New York, 2 December 1924 Was a great pleasure to have received Erich Mendelsohn with AE’s card of introduction. Found his book of designs very interesting, specifically the design of the Einstein Tower. Recalls fond memories of AE and Elsa Einstein. Will sail with his wife to Switzerland on 5 December. Wishes they could also travel to Germany and visit AE. Sends his and his wife’s regards. TLS. [43 601]. 552. From the Eidgenössisches Politisches Departement, Abteilung für Auswärtiges Bern, 2 December 1924 In response to his letter of 28 July 1924, inform AE that although at the time of acquiring Swiss citizenship he was released from Württemberg citizenship, nevertheless by be- coming an ordinary member of the PAW, AE has become a citizen of Prussia according to §9 of the Bundesgesetzblatt for 1870. Furthermore, the League of Nations accepted AE as a member of the ICIC as a German citizen. Believe that the German authorities