8 9 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 will agree to his request for diplomatic passport. If not, they will do so. TLS. [29 179.17]. 553. To Edmund de Bary Berlin, 3 December 1924 Response to Abs. 537. It is already very unlikely that electric arcs disintegrate atoms, but it is really grotesque that this would take place at a scale where it could be detected thermally. There must have been experimental errors. TLC. [43 188]. 554. To Pierre Th. Dufour Berlin, 3 December 1924 In reply to Abs 508, thanks for the photographs. Concerning the reprints, recommends printing as many as he likes, and recommends Emil Warburg’s textbook for physics as a suitable textbook for his class. TLC. [45 034]. 555. To Pedro Guesalaga Berlin, 3 December 1924 Sends Abs. 559 and asks to forward it to the rector of the University of Buenos Aires. TLC. [43 104]. 556. To Horst Höhne Berlin, 3 December 1924 In response to Abs. 544, is not aware that the ICIC allocates teaching positions at the international level. Recommends, nevertheless, contacting the Committee’s office and inquiring about countries that are seeking foreign teachers. TLC. [43 928]. 557. To Alfred Holländer Berlin, 3 December 1924 In reply to Abs. 464, has read the paper “Grundlagen einer Attraktionstheorie” but did not understand it. TLC. [43 942]. 558. To Arthur Posnansky Berlin, 3 December 1924 Thanks for the nice letter (Abs. 497) and the beautiful minerals. After listening to the unforgettable lecture (see Chronology, entry for before 20 September 1924), is intrigued to visit Bolivia and learn about the country. In a session of the Kuratorium has heard that, through Posnansky’s contribution and initiative, a German astronomical observation post has been constructed. Thanks for his manifold works. TLC. [44 678]. 559. To the rector of University of Buenos Aires and Mauricio Nirenstein Berlin, 3 December 1924 Thanks for his kind letter (Abs. 467) and the invitations from the Universities of Cordo- ba, La Plata, and Tucumán. Is sorry that he might not be able to deliver lectures in addi- tion to the ones in Buenos Aires nevertheless, will be able to assess the situation better upon arrival. Attached to Abs. 555. TLC. [43 106]. 560. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to W. Keller Berlin, 3 December 1924 On AE’s behalf informs that AE authorizes the use of his name for the appeal of the Verein Naturschutzpark (see Abs. 487). TLC. [44 531]. 561. From the Gesellschaft zur Erforschung jüdischer Kunstdenkmäler Frankfurt a. M., 3 December 1924 After speaking with Elsa Einstein, Emil Töplitz asks whether AE would join the com- mittee of the Berlin branch of the society, and promises not to make too many demands on his time. TLS. [44 058]. 562. From Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa Leyden, 4 December 1924 Sends a list of needy male and female high-school students in Zagreb, and the addresses of the academics to whom funds, including those for university students, should be