C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 9 1 mailed: A. Bilimovic in Belgrade, N. Bubnoff in Ljubljana, H. Pusin in Zagreb. Does not know about the available funds for Poland. Also inquires about assistance for a for- mer officer. TLS. [10 280]. 563. From Paul Winteler Colonnata (Firenze), 4 December 1924 Appends Doc. 391 and expresses his gratitude for AE’s monetary gift, which enabled them to pay their debts (including that to Sophie Schnyder) and keep their house. Maja Winteler-Einstein is an extraordinary woman and their marriage is a good one only the external concerns have strained it, but now with AE’s gift, they can enjoy a healthy coun- try life. ALS. [29 399]. 564. To Carl D. Groat Berlin, 5 December 1924 In response to Abs. 539 regrets that he is unable to comply with the request. Does not write for the newspapers unless there is an urgent need. TLC. [44 689]. 565. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 8 December 1924 Repeats his request made in Abs. 517. TLS. [36 919]. 566. From Gonzague de Reynold Bern, 8 December 1924 Has sent two checks via the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt for 2,490 and 800 M to be giv- en to the Russischer akademischer Verein and the Verband jüdischer Studentenvereine, respectively, as per AE’s requests (Doc. 337). For the rest, must take into consideration other proposals, particularly [Julien] Luchaire’s proposal, namely, the Institut des études slaves. Hopes AE will agree and everything will be settled by Christmas. TLS. [44 751]. 567. To Mordechai Helfman Berlin, [before 9 December 1924] Expresses his support for the work of the Keren Hayesod in Palestine, PTgm. Doar Ha- Yom, 9 December 1924, p. 5. [95 380]. 568. From Fritz Behrend Berlin, 9 December 1924 Intends to take out a mortgage of 10,000 M for building a five-room house. Asks AE to serve as a guarantor. ALS. [43 229]. 569. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 9 December 1924 Hopes AE will convalesce soon. Thinks [Benzion] Katz is the best person to handle the Günzburg library issue and believes that the London bureau will not object. Asks AE to write to Katz since S[erach] Grinberg will be leaving for Moscow in the near future. TLS. [36 920]. 570. From Wilhelm Westphal Berlin, 9 December 19[24] Recommends the Ukrainian student Esther Polianowsky, who seeks a doctoral adviser. Asks whether AE can give her some work to test her abilities. Proposes a personal meet- ing. TLS. [23 423]. 571. From Emerich (Imre) Csécsy and László Löbl Budapest, 10 December 1924 Ask AE to write an article for the Szabad Egyetem, a new popular science journal, on the importance of Lóránt Eötvös in the development of the theory of relativity. TLS. [44 937]. 572. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 10 December 1924 Is sorry that AE is still ill. The enclosed letter must be mailed. Benzion Katz will visit on Friday, 3 P.M., to discuss the response to Pokrovsky’s letters. TLS. [36 921]. 573. From Georgi Manev Sofia, 10 December 1924 Sends the manuscript of Maneff 1925 and asks for comments and advice. ALS. [17 049].