8 9 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 574. From Leo Motzkin Paris, 10 December 1924 Sends the report of the plenary session of the Committee of Jewish Delegations. The committee reveals its activities only to a select circle. TLS. [44 496]. 575. To Esther Polianowsky [Berlin,] 11 December 1924 Even though Elsa Einstein invited her to visit on Saturday, he has another commitment. Proposes Monday at 10 A.M. Has read her papers and is impressed. Has a topic in mind that will suit her. ALS. [71 238]. 576. From Jerome Alexander [New York,] 11 December 1924 Asks for a condensed form of Einstein 1910d to include in the first volume of an inter- national book on colloid chemistry (see Einstein 1926b in Alexander 1926). Gives Chaim Weizmann as a reference. TLS. [43 025]. 577. To Gonzague de Reynold Berlin, 12 December 1924 Thanks for Abs. 566 and the checks. Lists persons in Zagreb, Ljubljana, Tartu, and War- saw to whom the financial assistance for the Russian students is to be sent. Proposes 100 M for [Marie] Wulffius[-Schutz], widow of the director of the czar’s court orchestra. TLC. [44 753]. 578. From Franz M. Feldhaus Berlin, 12 December 1924 Asks whether AE’s photo with Charles P. Steinmetz is authentic. TLC. [83 534]. 579. From Semion (Simon) Frank Berlin, 12 December 1924 Sends a receipt for two checks and the address of Nikolai Berdiaiev in Paris. Expresses thanks on behalf of Russian scientists and students. ALS. [43 719]. 580. From Hugo Bergmann Jerusalem, 13 December 1924 The officials of the Jerusalem University Library intend to send Dow Shrira to Russia to acquire newly published books. Has given AE’s name as a reference. Asks for support. TLS. [36 879]. 581. From Pedro Guesalaga Berlin, 13 December 1924 With reference to the phone call to Elsa Einstein, encloses the new round-trip ticket, no. 17171 departure from Hamburg on 5 March 1925. TLS. [43 108]. 582. From Anghelos Tanagras Athens, 15 December 1924 The Society of Psychic Research in Athens elected AE as its honorary member for his discoveries that have delivered a fatal blow to materialism. Attaches diploma (Abs. 538) and identity card. AE notes: “Erledigt. E.” ALS. [120 604]. 583. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Emerich Csécsy Berlin, 16 December 1924 Reply to Abs. 571. AE is overburdened with work and unable to write the requested ar- ticle for the journal Szabad Egyetem. TLC. [44 938]. 584. To R. V. Hartsough Berlin, 16 December 1924 Reply to Abs. 509. The maximum effect occurs when the Moon is at its zenith and at its nadir, respectively. A delay does not take place, even though the gravitational field prop- agates with the speed of light. It is the same with the electrostatic analogue. TLC. [25 101]. 585. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Benzion Katz Berlin, 16 December 1924 AE would like to speak on the phone for about an hour regarding the Günzburg library. TLC. [44 100].
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