9 6 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 841. To Julien Luchaire [Berlin,] 7 May 1927 Recommends Paul Kirchberg (see Abs. 840), who is French of German education. Also informs that Andres Krüss has spoken highly of his participation in the Paris meeting of the ICIC and has written a report for the ministry in this sense. Hopes that he will con- tribute to closer relations between Germany and the IIIC. TLC. [34 949]. 842. To Georges Oprescu [Berlin,] 7 May 1927 In reply to Abs. 812, he will attend the July session in Geneva. TLC. [34 951]. 843. To Erwin Hasche [Berlin,] 8 May 1927 Is willing to discuss research plans, and may be able to suggest a theoretical topic, but is unable to suggest experimental work whose execution he cannot supervise. Is avail- able in Berlin until 10 July. TLC. [46 583]. 844. To Adolf von Harnack Berlin, 10 May 1927 On behalf of the French literature professor André Fauconnet, requests information re- garding the availability of funds for the housing of foreign visiting researchers in Ger- many. ALS. [77 758]. 845. To Hugo A. Krüss [Berlin,] 10 May 1927 Sends invitation program to the upcoming meeting of IIIC board of directors in Paris and requests that Krüss represent him there. ALS. [95 735]. 846. From Felix Ehrenhaft Vienna, 10 May 1927 Referring to Abs. 723, has been informed by Karl Rosenberg that Friedrich Bleich, one of the most renowned civil engineers in Vienna, would be happy to offer Hans Albert Einstein an appropriate position. TLS. [10 377]. 847. To Martin Carbe [Berlin,] 11 May 1927 Informs that he is unable to attend, since he will be away from Berlin on 21 May. TLC. [45 734]. 848. To M. Carus [Berlin,] 11 May 1927 Does not believe that the comprehension of the theory of relativity can be facilitated through instrumental demonstrations (see also AE to Carus, Vol. 14, Abs. 615). TLC. [45 735]. 849. To André Metz [Berlin,] 11 May 1927 In reply to Abs. 825, is rereading Meyerson’s book in order to write a review on it for Lucien Lévy-Bruhl (Revue philosophique) , from whom Metz can then request permis- sion to reprint. Sends regards to the revered Meyerson. TLCX. [18 259]. 850. From Adolf von Harnack [Berlin,] 12 May 1927 In reply to Abs. 844, the inquiry relies on an incorrect announcement in a French news- paper with regard to guests of the Harnack-Haus, which will open at the earliest in the fall of 1928. TLSX. [77 759]. 851. From Carl Wilkening Spandau, 12 May 1927 Subsequent to a conversation with the shipbuilder Stenz, informs that the total cost for the modification of the sail and one buoy rope is 99.30 M and can be completed next week. TLS. [48 793]. 852. To Hugo A. Krüss Berlin, 14 May 1927 Thanks for willingness to attend the meeting of IIIC board of directors on his behalf (see Abs. 845) and encloses a letter by Julien Luchaire. It is indeed time that a Committee for