C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 9 6 1 International Cooperation be founded in Germany. They should discuss this topic before Luchaire’s visit to Berlin. TLS. [95 731]. 853. To the Rockefeller Foundation [Berlin,] 18 May 1927 Recommends S. Tschachotin (see Abs. 830), albeit only from the personal aspect, since he is not in a position to evaluate his scientific work. TLC. [48 620]. 854. To Schopenhauer Society [Berlin,] 18 May 1927 Despite his sympathy for the society, for Schopenhauer, and for its upcoming congress, is unable to participate. The IIIC will be unable to participate actively, but he recom- mends that the society inform the committee of the congress. TLC. [48 404]. 855. To Sergei Tschachotin [Berlin,] 18 May 1927 Sends enclosed Abs. 853 and best regards to Charlotte Weigert. TLC. [48 619]. 856. From Frederick E. Brasch Washington, D.C., 19 May 1927 AE’s appreciation of Simon Newcomb (see Doc. 349) has been translated in English and deposited with Newcomb’s papers in the Library of Congress. Requests permission to print the attached translation in Science (Einstein 1929b), and encloses further an- nouncements regarding the Newton bicentenary. TLS. [18 406]. 857. From Leo Kohn Jerusalem, 20 May 1927 Received a letter from Ariel Bension, who is currently in Portugal on behalf of the Keren Hayesod. He is in negotiations with the wealthy family Bensaúde, to which Joaquim Bensaúde belongs, regarding a fellowship endowment of 2,500 to 5,000 £ at the Hebrew University in memory of a recently deceased member of their family. Bension requests a further letter to Joaquim Bensaúde, in which AE approves of the creation of such an endowment. Attaches a draft letter in this sense for AE’s signature. TLS. [36 943]. 858. To Mr. Kress [Berlin,] 21 May 1927 Returns Kress’s article. Does not find it suitable for the Mathematische Annalen.TLC. [47 308]. 859. From Frank J. Goodnow Berlin, 22 May 1927 Was sorry not to see AE when he called and hopes to receive an appointment. Reminds of inquiries made by Michaelis and Herzfeld as to whether AE would join the Johns Hopkins University. Upon AE’s unwillingness to accept a position (Doc. 447), wishes to invite him for a one to two year visit. ALS. [46 728]. 860. From Edmund Landau [Göttingen,] 24 May 1927 Has received AE’s letter regarding Leon Hufnagel, but has no solution for his employ- ment. Asks AE to bring up the issue of the Einstein Institute at the Hebrew University at the next meeting of the advisory board. Is grateful that AE did not resign from the board. He himself is learning Hebrew and will be teaching next year in Jerusalem during his vacation. ALS. [36 945]. 861. To Luigi Benasso [Berlin,] 25 May 1927 Thanks for Benasso’s book. Is aware that the Italian translation of his booklet (Einstein 1917a) could be improved. Benasso should contact the copyright holders. TLC. [45 519]. 862. From Jyotirmaya Ghosh Edinburgh, 25 May 1927 Thanks for Abs. 768. Wishes to understand what will be the gravitational equations for the field occupied by a material sphere, e.g., a sphere of solid or liquid matter, or by an electrified sphere of matter. ALS. [11 351].
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