C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 9 5 9 829. From Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi Vienna, 21 April 1927 Invites to second Paneuropean Congress in Brussels, 9–11 October 1927 requests a greeting for publication. TLS. [45 780]. 830. From Sergei Tschachotin Genoa, 26 April 1927 Requests a recommendation to the Rockefeller Foundation for a stipend that would make his experimental work in microphysiology and cytology in the pharmacological laboratory of Alberico Benedicenti at the University in Genoa possible. Has suffered hardships since leaving Russia after the revolution. TLS. [48 618]. 831. From René Fülöp-Miller Vienna, 27 April 1927 The publisher Amalthea is sending AE his newly published Fülöp-Miller 1927 hopes AE will enjoy it. TLS. [46 336]. 832. To Deutsches Museum [Berlin,] 28 April 1927 Is unfortunately unable to attend the 1927 annual meeting. ADft. [46 039]. 833. From Paul Swesditsch Berlin, May 1927 The Wirtschafts-Politischer Verlag Joseph Langer is planning the publication of Wege zum Frieden, with contributions by Paul Hymans, Pierre Renaudel, Albert Thomas, Felix Pinner, et. al. Requests an article, and reminds AE that they met at the home of Stolkind. TLS. [47 338]. 834. From Slavka Zaycoff (Slava Zajkova) Sofia, May 1927 Is worried about her son, Raschko Zaycoff, who has erratic study and work habits, and is putting his future in jeopardy. Asks AE to encourage her son to complete his exams in Bulgaria first, and then work on his Ph.D. in Berlin. ALS. [24 187]. 835. From Felix Ehrenhaft Vienna, 5 May 1927 Refers to conversation with AE at GDNÄ Congress in Düsseldorf and AE’s (not extant) letter of 18 December 1926 (see also Abs. 723). Reports in detail about his experiments to determine the electron charge. Assumes that test particles are spores obey Stokes’s law in resistive media the density is independent of their size. The measurements seem to support these assumptions. The error estimation indicates that the measured values for e/A do deviate from the theoretically predicted values. TLS. [10 376]. 836. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 5 May 1927 Since he has no prospect of a paid position at the International Labour Office, has ap- plied for a position at the League of Nations’ section for social issues. Requests a rec- ommendation. ALS. [48 498]. 837. From Jacob Helder Newark (New Jersey), 6 May 1927 Is editing a book on immortality (Helder 1930), has discussed the topic with leading fig- ures, and requests a brief statement from AE for publication. ALS. [46 613]. 838. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 6 May 1927 The directors’ committee of the IIIC will meet on 30 May 1927 in Paris. TLS. [82 837]. 839. To Mrs. Leopoldine (Glöckel?), Vienna [Berlin,] 7 May 1927 Has unfortunately been unable to find a publisher for her manuscript. Was glad to make the acquaintance of her daughter. TLC. [47 401]. 840. To Paul Kirchberg Berlin, 7 May 1927 Sends letter of recommendation to Julien Luchaire (see Abs. 841), but explains that the chances of getting a position at IIIC are slim, given the large number of applicants. TLC. [34 950].