D O C U M E N T 3 1 4 J U LY 1 9 2 6 5 1 3 If you have any chance to vote for the simplification of the apparatus of the University, by taking the teaching professors off the Board and putting them on the Academic Council, you will be doing a great service. I trust these lines find you in the best of health, and in the hope that our roads soon may cross again, I am, Sincerely yours, (SGD.) Felix M. Warburg TTrLS (IL-RWW.). [71 149]. The letter is addressed “Prof. A. Einstein, Haberlandstr. 5, Berlin W. 30, Germany.” [1]A reference to Chaim Weizmann’s legal battle regarding a patent for the manufacture of acetone that had ended in May after several years and that had a considerable impact on his state of health (see Chaim Weizmann to Caroline [Lady] Schuster, 11 March 1926, and Chaim Weizmann to Horatio Ballantyne, 21 May 1926 [Ofer 1978, pp. xviii, 1, and 33–34]). [2]For Weizmann’s Palestine visit, see Doc. 281, note 3. Judah L. Magnes. The Actions Committee was the supreme authority of the Zionist Organisation between Zionist Congresses (see Patai 1971, p. 206). The BOGHU had decided at its previous meeting to appoint a committee to devise a constitution for the university and submit it to the Zionist Organisation for review (see “Protokoll der Zweiten Sitzung des Kuratoriums der Universitaet Jerusalem, abgehalten am 23. Sept. 1925 in Muenchen” [IL-JeCZA, L12/83/1/1]). [3]On the addition of new members to the BOGHU, see Doc. 172, note 1. [4]An acrimonious controversy over rival fund-raising campaigns had arisen between the non- Zionist American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), of which Warburg was the chairman, and the ZOA, whose leadership at the time supported Weizmann. The JDC had launched a campaign for a $15 million relief fund to be used for Jewish colonization in Crimea. The leadership of the ZOA believed this would have a detrimental effect on the efforts of the Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Hayesod) and established a United Palestine Appeal under the leadership of Stephen S. Wise. There was also growing opposition among American Zionists to the participation of non-Zionists in the planned enlargement of the Jewish Agency (see the Introduction, sec. VIII, and Chaim Weizmann to Louis Marshall, 13 May 1926 [Ofer 1978, pp. xi and 26, note 3]). Einstein and Weizmann toured the United States together in the spring of 1921 to raise funds for the Zionist Organisation and the Hebrew University (see Vol. 12, Introduction, pp. xxviii–xxxiv). Frederick H. Kisch (1888–1943) was the head of the political department of the Palestine Zionist Ex- ecutive. He had visited the United States from 24 December 1924 to 28 February 1925 to discuss the formation of the expanded Jewish Agency with American Jewish leaders, most notably, Louis Mar- shall to launch the annual campaign of the Keren Hayesod in the United States and to secure support for the Hebrew University (see Chaim Weizmann to Louis Marshall, 2 December 1924, Chaim Weizmann to Sir Herbert Samuel, 25 December 1924, and Chaim Weizmann to Vera Weizmann, 13 February 1925 [Ofer 1978, pp. 279–280, 291, and 315], and Kisch 1938, pp. 158–166). [5]The Palestine Foundation Fund (see the previous note). [6]Paul F. S. Warburg (1904–1965) married Jean Stettheimer in Atherton, California on 11 July 1926 (see New York Times, 11 July 1926).