5 1 2 D O C U M E N T 3 1 4 J U L Y 1 9 2 6 314. From Felix M. Warburg [New York,] July 1, 1926 Dear Professor Einstein I have delayed writing to you because I had hoped that University matters in Jerusalem would clear up and that we would receive the constitution and by-laws from over there so perfected that we could cheerfully say “Amen” and hold a con- structive meeting of the Board of Governors afterwards. Unfortunately things have dragged along and the one draft which we received from Dr. Weizmann was de- layed owing to his being too much occupied with disagreeable personal matters, for which I am truly sorry.[1] Since then, his visit to Jerusalem and his discussion with Magnes have, I hope, cleared the road towards the Actions Committee taking the long promised step to improve the Constitution of the University and transfer to the University the property upon which the buildings which will belong to the Univer- sity should be erected.[2] It is unfortunate that instead of having a simple, small non-political Board of nine, as was held out originally, we now have to work with a Board of about thirty, representing all kinds of shades of science, countries and economic conditions.[3] I am afraid that the very aggressive, very objectionable attitudes of the Zionist Organisation displayed on this side of the water, has destroyed entirely the good- will which Dr. Weizmann’s, Col. Kisch’ and your visit had so skillfully and suc- cessfully built up.[4] That the Zionist Organisation put the University on its Campaign plank, as one of the objects for which they would raise money, has been embarrassing in two ways. People one might talk to about the University said that they had made con- tributions toward the Keren Hayesod fund,[5] of which part would go to the Uni- versity, and so prevented us from getting money. Secondly, now that their campaign is coming to an end (and they evidently have not raised all the money they want) they claim that the University was only in the second preferred list, and that therefore we cannot expect anything for the Hebrew University out of the funds which they have just raised. My expectation to come to Europe to meet the Governors has come to naught, because I have to go to California to be present at the wedding of my third boy,[6] and I am leaving for the West tomorrow.