8 2 0 D O C U M E N T 5 2 1 M A Y 1 9 2 7 Mit besten Grüßen Ihr sehr ergebener Leo Kohn. Dürfte ich Sie nur um eine kurze Empfangsbestätigung an meine obige Adresse bit- ten, damit ich weiss, daß dieser Brief Sie richtig erreicht hat ALS. [36 937]. [1]Kohn appended the note “Beilage I.” in the margin next to this sentence. [2]Edmund Landau (1877–1938) was Professor of Mathematics at the University of Göttingen and lecturer in mathematics at the Hebrew University. His letter is not extant. [3]Jakob Grommer. [4]In the version of the minutes of the second meeting of the BOGHU held in Munich in September 1925 approved by Einstein, decisive authority in academic and administrative matters was conferred on governing bodies dominated by Jewish academics from the Diaspora (see Doc. 142, note 1). [5]On Israel J. Kligler’s appointment, see Doc. 186, note 8. [6]Kohn inserted “Beilage II” vertically in the margin next to this sentence. [7]In his letter, Frederick H. Kisch expressed his dismay at attacks in the press by Kligler against an official of the Zionist Executive’s public health committee and at the alleged lack of assistance by Kligler and his colleagues in the efforts to combat malaria in the Jordan Valley (Frederick H. Kisch to Montague David Eder, 28 March 1927 [36 938]). [8]Solomon Ginzberg. [9]The governing council included the following members: the chief rabbis of Great Britain and France, Joseph Hertz (chairman) and Meir Balaban, Martin Buber, Rabbi Heinrich Brody, Adolf Büchler, Zewi Diesendruck, Aron Freimann, Samuel Krauss, Israel Lévy, Rabbi Maurice Liber, Judah L. Magnes, and Moses Schorr (see minutes of the fifth meeting of the Governing Council of the Insti- tute of Jewish Studies of the Hebrew University, Mainz, 27–28 December, 1927 [IL-JeHUCA, 14/3] [95 841]). [10]Kohn inserted “Beilage III” vertically in the margin next to this clause. [11]Joseph Hertz (1872–1945). In his letter, Hertz expressed his dismay over the Hebrew Univer- sity’s difficulties in securing prominent scholars for the Institute of Jewish Studies, in general, and Samuel Klein (1866–1940), a Hungarian-born rabbi and historical topographer, in particular (see Joseph Hertz to Judah L. Magnes, 27 April 1927 [36 941]). [12]Selig Brodetsky (1888–1954) was a Russian-born British-Jewish mathematician and Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Leeds. The third meeting of the BOGHU, held in London in early August 1926, had set up a committee under Brodetsky to examine the introduction of under- graduate teaching at the university (see Chaim Weizmann to Judah L. Magnes, 6 July 1927 in Ofer 1978, p. 291, note 3). Josef Horovitz and Leonard Ornstein. [13]According to the attachment, Brodetsky had asked Kohn “for a statement of the considerations which led the initiators of the Hebrew University to inaugurate it as a centre of research rather than one of teaching.” Kohn stated that the university “should be […] representative of the best intellectual forces and aspirations of Judaism in its entirety and commanding thereby the respect and the attach- ment of the Jewish people as a whole.” He explained the different circumstances and academic traditions on “the science side” and “the arts side,” respectively, and stressed the importance of a dif- ferentiated approach in the development of the university “from a pure research centre into a teaching institution” (see Leo Kohn to Selig Brodetsky, 1 May 1927 [36 942]). [14]Chaim Weizmann proposed to hold the fourth meeting of the BOGHU on 28 August 1927 in Geneva. However, the next meeting was not held until June 1928 in London (see Chaim Weizmann to Judah L. Magnes, 17 May 1927 in Ofer 1978, p. 243). [15]Weizmann had previously announced his intention to resign from the BOGHU (see Doc. 14). [16]Rudolf Ehrmann.