8 8 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 120. From Adriaan D. Fokker Delft, 29 September 1925 Requests a contribution by AE to a special issue of the journal Physica, dedicated to H. A. Lorentz’s fiftieth doctor jubilee, to be sent before 1 November. The collection of funds for the Lorentz Fund is proceeding well. Has a handwritten formula by AE on the verso. TLS. [11 039]. 121. From Deutscher Verband Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Vereine (A. Freitag) Berlin, 1 October 1925 On behalf of the Deutsch-Russische Gesellschaft “Kultur und Technik” through the in- tervention of Count von Arco, enclosed are two writings by S. A. Lewitin. TLS. [44 859]. 122. From ORT Berlin, 1 October 1925 On 15 October at 5 P.M., a meeting on the problems of colonization and professional retraining of Jews in Eastern Europe will take place in the Hotel Kaiserhof. It was sug- gested that the invitations be sent out in the name of several personalities who signed the original appeal. Does AE agree? TLS. [44 639] 123. From Karl W. Meißner Frankfurt a. M., 2 October 1925 Cannot repeat D. C. Miller’s experiments because of lack of time in his new position, even though he had promised it enthusiastically when meeting in Berlin. Proposes to in- vite Miller to perform his experiments in Switzerland. Appreciates Miller’s skill, but thinks that the variations of altitude in Switzerland from 400 to 3800 m would offer im- portant opportunities. If AE accepted the invitation of Zurich students to deliver a lec- ture, they could discuss the matter in person. ALS. [17 110]. 124. From Leo Kohn London, 4 October 1925 Reports that Ch. Weizmann is not displeased with the outcome of the Munich meeting of the BOGHU. However, he objects the appointment of so many, partly incompetent, new board members, and the election of J. L. Magnes and Norman Bentwich as chan- cellor and vice-chancellor, respectively. This is particularly disturbing as these British titles denote specific offices and roles. The chancellor is a pure honorary title. In con- trast, the vice-chancellor is the university’s most senior administrator with expansive powers. Neither of these titles fit the Palestinian executive as constituted in Munich. Weizmann will write to Magnes and Bentwich. Clarifies that Weizmann had nothing to do with the mysterious telegram that Eli Straus presented at the meeting and suspects that Straus may have invited himself to the meeting. Weizmann will visit AE in Berlin on 21 October and Kohn may accompany him. ALS. [36 898]. 125. To Vossische Zeitung Berlin, 6 October 1925 Disputes the newspaper’s account in an article on famous personalities and their school grades according to which AE had difficulties in mathematics. Declares that he was al- ways the best in mathematics in school, with “very good” grades, but that as a university student he barely managed the minimum grade. TD. [95 653]. 126. From Forschungen und Fortschritte Berlin, 6 October 1925 On 1 October, a Korrespondenzblatt der deutschen Wissenschaft und Technik was pub- lished with the support of the academies and other scientific institutions. The journal re- ports on the most important ongoing research and is being forwarded to the foreign press. The publishers desire a contribution by AE for the November issue on his most recent investigations. Haber has indicated he would contribute. TLS. [43 700].
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