C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 8 8 3 113. From Centro-cultural Israelita “Albert Einstein” Zapala (Argentina), 20 September 1925 A Jewish Cultural Center honoring AE’s name was established on 19 July in Zapala, and AE has been elected its [honorary] president. Signed by Carlos Chechic, president, and Abraham Sandler, secretary. ALS. [43 446]. 114. From Jerome Alexander New York, 21 September 1925 As a follow-up to his letter of 30 July 1925 and to Abs. 93, Einstein 1910d (Vol. 3, Doc. 9) translated by G. Rainich, will be included in international book Colloid Chem- istry, Theoretical & Applied. This paper connects with papers by Williard H. Martin and Chandrasekhararan V. Raman. Requests answers to Rainich’s queries, which he again encloses [see 43 029], and any other remarks. TLS. [43 028]. 115. From H. Holst Freiburg, 21 September 1925 Over the past two and a half years has been active at the Gesellschaft für Praktische Geo- physik, where he has dealt primarily with gravitational measurements with the torsion balance. Has come to the conclusion that existing instruments are too large. He has ex- perimented on the production of thinner torsion cables, and needs to address structural studies for their improvement. Especially through X-rays, one needs to study their man- ufacture and pretreatment, as was shown by R. Eötvös. Wishes to focus on platinum and related metals, and inquires whether there are possibilities for research at the KWIP or whether support for such work in the institute of Walter Friedrich at the University of Freiburg could be obtained. Attaches his Ph.D. dissertation. TLS. [78 084]. 116. From Rudolf Lämmel Dornburg, 24 September 1925 Since an article was published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on the recent experiment by Michelson at Mount Wilson, whose results apparently have shaken the foundations of the theory of relativity, requests an opinion from AE as to whether the experiments in- deed indicate the presence of an ether. He intends to comment for the NZZ. TLS. [15 012]. 117. From Franz Himstedt Freiburg, 28 September 1925 In the enclosed, sends a request by H. Holst (see Abs. 115). Reiterates that Holst has car- ried out significant gravity measurements, including in the Dreisamtal (Höllental) near Freiburg and on Lake Titi, and is deserving of financial support. TLS. [78 083]. Max von Laue answers this request in the negative on behalf of AE in [78 086]. 118. From Rudolf Lämmel Dornburg, 28 September 1925 Acknowledges AE’s (nonextant) reply to Abs. 116. Has been unable to find published details of Michelson’s recent experiments. Requests opinion about his explanation of so- lar counterglow (“Gegenschein”), the paths of planets, and zodiacal light. Speculates that the light of the Sun might concentrate in the two foci of the planets’ elliptical paths. TLS. [15 013]. 119. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 28 September 1925 The ICIC, having examined at its meeting of 25 July a proposal put forth by the Inter- national Meteorological Committee of the Netherlands, and presented by H. A. Lorentz, to create an International Bureau of Meteorology, has resolved to ask Lorentz, AE, and M. Curie to examine, together with E. Everdingen and other experts, how the ICIC might contribute to the proposed project. Requests that AE keep the committee informed of progress. TLS. [84 646].